Get Started with AB Testing and Remote Configuration in Firebase

David Dikman
Firebase Developers
8 min readAug 28, 2021


Stick figure holding up a green and red flag with an A and a B written on them
Feature flags

I have been wanting to try A/B Testing since I first heard of it many years ago. It just seems such a logical thing to do, to try two things side-by-side, compare them and see which is best.

But getting started is hard. Too hard. I think the tooling and know-how haven’t been easy to find.

I have found that Firebase solves the tooling part well, and in this post, I will try to help with some know-how.

Remote Config is not just for AB testing

First, I want to advertise Firebase and Remote Config a little (note: I am not affiliated at all).

I want to show that even if your team isn’t experienced enough to do A/B testing, Remote Config can still be very valuable.

If you are working on a small project or on your own, by all means, you probably do not need this. As your system grows though and more configuration is added, this becomes an invaluable tool.



David Dikman
Firebase Developers

Full-stack developer and founder. Writing here and at Currently open for contract work.