Firebase Authentication

How To Authenticate to Firebase Using Email and Password in Jetpack Compose

A simple solution for implementing Firebase Authentication with email and password, using Jetpack Compose on Android

Alex Mamo
Firebase Developers
9 min readDec 28, 2022


I’m writing this article because I was inspired by this episode from the series “Better Safe than Sorry”, where Peter Friese and Rachel Myers talked about the fact that Firebase authentication is really easy to implement, and I agree with that, but it becomes harder when you want to do it well. So I decided to create a project in which I will show you the entire authentication mechanism with email and password, using Jetpack Compose. So stay with me until the end.

Before going forward, I want to let you know that there are two other resources available, one that explains how to authenticate to Firebase using Google One Tap and another one that explains how to implement Firebase anonymous authentication. Both are using Jetpack Compose.

What does the application do?

It basically provides almost everything you need for a user to sign up and sign in, send a verification email, write user data in Firestore, recover password, sign out or even revoke access.

