Rapid Application Development

How to Build a To-Do List App with Firebase and SwiftUI

Replicating the iOS Reminders App, Part 2


This article is part of a series of articles that explores building a real-world application using SwiftUI, Firebase, and a couple of other technologies.

Here is an overview of the series and what we’re going to build:

  • In part 1 of the series, we focussed on building the UI with SwiftUI, using a simple data model.
  • In part 2 (which you are reading right now), we’re going to connect the application to Firebase, and will synchronise the user’s tasks with Cloud Firestore
  • In part 3, we will implement Sign in with Apple to turn the application into a real multi-user application

In the previous article of this series, we saw how easy it was to replicate the UI of a well-known iOS app using SwiftUI: writing very little code, we implemented a fully functional copy of the iOS Reminders app. To keep things simple, we persisted data on the user’s device using the Disk framework.

Today, we’re going to look into what’s required to connect this app to Firebase, allowing users to store their data in the cloud.

