Deploy to Firebase Hosting with Github Actions

Deploy application static assets to Firebase Hosting with Github Actions. You will love automation

Siwawes Wongcharoen
Firebase Thailand
2 min readOct 3, 2019


To deploy application static assets to Firebase Hosting, It is not too hard if you are familiar with Firebase CLI. By the way, if you are in development environment, using Firebase CLI directly from your PC still is the most easiest way. But if you are runing in production environment, using Firebase CLI directly from your PC is too risky.

I believe that everyone love automation. So, let’s move to automation. If you are using Github, then Github Actions will be you 1st chioce. In this blog post, I will only focusing on how to deploy to Firebase Hosting with Github actions. If you want to know how to set up Firebase Hosting, you will found it here.

Github Actions

Setup Workflow

Start with breakdown the workflow into steps.

  1. Authenticate to Firebase (need token)
  2. Deploy assests to Firebase Hosting (with firebase deploy)

Acquire Firebase token

Now, We need the Firebase token for authentication. This token can be aquired through the firebase login:ci command. Keep it secure in Github repo setting -> Secrets.

Create Github Actions

Go to Acions tab on your Github repo. Create workflows by yourself. Then you can use my workflow. But please make sure you understand it.

deploy_to_firebase_hosting workflow

At line 18. I’ve decided to use w9jds/firebase-action. Instead of using this action, We will need to install Firebase CLI by ourselves and use full Firebase command firebase deploy --token [YOUR_TOKEN] --only hosting --non-interactive.

Now, try to trigger the workflow. You will see the magic is happening.

It is magic 😏


Even you work solo or team, development or production, Github Actions is very helpful.

Let’s make is automation.

