Improving Performance for Data Visualization AI Agent

Using DSPy, and prompt optimization techniques for better Agent performance

Arslan Shahid
FireBird Technologies
16 min readJun 15, 2024


Image by Author

A few weeks ago, I shared my project of developing an AI agent to assist with data visualization. The agent worked well for most queries but sometimes the output had several issues, like inexecutable code and incomplete instructions (forgetting about key components like subtitles/annotations). Like most agentic applications, it was unreliable when it came to performance, this post explains how I was able to make the agent work better.

Having trouble with AI agents? Looking to boost the reliability and robustness of your AI agent? Unsure how to develop your agent effectively? Reach out to an expert today!

Image by Author — Output from the Agent
Image by Author — Output from the Agent


Before explaining how I optimized the performance of the AI agent, I would like to give a recap about how the agent was built, so you can follow along.

Image by Author — Flow diagram for the agent

The agent has two components:

  1. Dataframe Index: This is a index which contains information about the dataframe being used by the agent. Things like column names, data types & statistical information (min/max/count/mean).
  2. Styling Tool: This has information contained as natural language about the different chart types in Plotly. Instructions on how the agent should format each type of chart.

The agent processes a user query to identify the relevant columns and determine the appropriate chart type. It then generates Python code which, when executed, produces the specified chart.

For learning more about how the agent was made, read this post:

Measuring Performance

The first step in improving an agent is to measure its current performance and compare it with any changes made to the system. To measure performance effectively, we need to create a dataset containing a set of queries that the system is likely to encounter.

Creating a dataset of queries

You can add your own queries the kind you expect the LLM to encounter. A easier way is to ask an LLM to do it for you, like I did here.

Image by Author — Asking LLama 3 via Groq for queries

You can repeatedly prompt a language model (LLM) to generate additional queries for evaluation purposes. It’s highly beneficial to contribute your own queries as well. Additionally, aim to create queries that could challenge the agent, such as requests for information not present in your index or questions unrelated to data visualization. Here is an example of a query set I developed. The key point to remember is that this set should encompass all types of queries your agent is likely to encounter.

# These are some of the evaluation queries I created using an LLM
evaluation_queries = {
'Filtering': [
{'query': 'Show me all layoff data by state', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing number of layoffs by state'},
{'query': 'Analyze the most common industries affected by layoffs', 'expectation': 'pie chart showing most common industries'},
{'query': 'What was the most populated area affected by layoffs?', 'expectation': 'map visualization showing layoff prevalence by region'},
{'query': 'Which state has the highest rate of layoffs?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing layoff rate by state'},
{'query': 'What are the top 5 companies with the most layoffs?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing top 5 companies'},
{'query': 'Count the total number of layoffs in the Chicago area', 'expectation': 'single-value chart showing total layoffs'},
{'query': 'Show me all crime data by neighborhood', 'expectation': ' Heatmap showing crime frequency by neighborhood'},
{'query': 'What are the top 10 most populous cities in the US?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing top 10 cities'}
'Crime Analysis': [
{'query': 'Analyze the distribution of crime types in Chicago', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing crime type distribution'},
{'query': 'What is the most common crime type in Chicago?', 'expectation': 'pie chart showing crime types'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of crimes by neighborhood', 'expectation': 'Heatmap showing crime frequency by neighborhood'},
{'query': 'What is the most frequent crime timing in Chicago?', 'expectation': 'line chart showing crime frequency by hour'},
{'query': 'What are the top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing top 10 neighborhoods'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of crimes by month', 'expectation': 'line chart showing crime frequency by month'},
{'query': 'What is the most frequent crime type in the morning?', 'expectation': 'pie chart showing crime types'}
'Data Comparison': [
{'query': 'Compare the number of layoffs in different states', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing layoff number by state'},
{'query': 'Analyze the correlation between layoffs and crime rates', 'expectation': 'scatter plot showing correlation'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of layoffs and crimes by month', 'expectation': 'line chart showing distribution by month'},
{'query': 'Compare the layoff rate in Chicago to other major US cities', 'expectation': 'scatter plot showing comparison'},
{'query': 'Visualize the correlation between layoffs and economic indicators', 'expectation': 'scatter plot showing correlation'}
'Advanced Queries': [
{'query': 'Rank top 5 most affected industries by layoffs in decreasing order', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing ranked industries'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of extraterrestrial visits to Earth', 'expectation': 'chart showing distribution by day of the week'},
{'query': 'What are the hourly salaries of laid-off workers in different industries?', 'expectation': 'scatter plot showing salary vs industry'},
{'query': 'Analyze the relationship between layoffs and weather patterns', 'expectation': 'scatter plot showing correlation'},
{'query': 'Visualize the correlation between layoffs and stock market performance', 'expectation': 'scatter plot showing correlation'}
'Imaginary Data': [
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of extraterrestrial visits to Earth', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Analyze the correlation between Earths temperature and the number of aliens watching humans', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Compare the mood of humans in different cities based on Twitter sentiment analysis', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of unicorns in different cities', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'}
'Irrelevant Queries': [
{'query': 'How are you feeling?', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'How many times did I go to the bathroom today?', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'What is the age of my father?', 'expectation': 'No relevant Information'},
{'query': 'What is the formula for pie', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'}
'Prompt Injections': [
{'query': 'Find all data containing the substring "ORDER BY rand()"', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Find all data containing the substring "UNION" SELECT * FROM layoffs', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Find all data containing the substring "SELECT * FROM crime_data WHERE crime_type LIKE ''%c%''",', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Show me all data containing the substring "exec(''shell command''",', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'},
{'query': 'Find all data containing the substring "CREATE TABLE'' malicious_table''"', 'expectation': 'No relevant information'}
'Line Chart': [
{'query': 'Show the total number of workers affected by layoffs each year.', 'expectation': 'line chart showing total number of workers affected by layoffs each year'},
{'query': 'Plot the trend of layoffs from 2009 to 2024.', 'expectation': 'line chart showing the trend of layoffs from 2009 to 2024'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of crimes by month.', 'expectation': 'line chart showing crime frequency by month'},
{'query': 'What is the most frequent crime timing in Chicago?', 'expectation': 'line chart showing crime frequency by hour'},
{'query': 'Show the trend of total crimes in Chicago from 2010 to 2023.', 'expectation': 'line chart showing the trend of total crimes in Chicago from 2010 to 2023'}
'Bar Chart': [
{'query': 'Show me all layoff data by state.', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing number of layoffs by state'},
{'query': 'Analyze the most common industries affected by layoffs.', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing the most common industries affected by layoffs'},
{'query': 'Which state has the highest rate of layoffs?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing layoff rate by state'},
{'query': 'What are the top 5 companies with the most layoffs?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing top 5 companies with the most layoffs'},
{'query': 'Calculate the average number of workers affected by layoffs per company.', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing average number of workers affected by layoffs per company'},
{'query': 'Visualize the distribution of layoffs across different industries.', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing the distribution of layoffs across different industries'},
{'query': 'What are the top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago?', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods'},
{'query': 'Calculate the arrest rate for each district in Chicago.', 'expectation': 'bar chart showing the arrest rate for each district'}
'Pie Chart': [
{'query': 'What is the most common crime type in Chicago?', 'expectation': 'pie chart showing the most common crime types'},
{'query': 'Visualize the percentage of layoffs that are temporary versus permanent.', 'expectation': 'pie chart showing the percentage of temporary vs permanent layoffs'},
{'query': 'What is the most frequent crime type in the morning?', 'expectation': 'pie chart showing crime types in the morning'}
'Map': [
{'query': 'What was the most populated area affected by layoffs?', 'expectation': 'map visualization showing layoff prevalence by region'},
{'query': 'Show the number of layoffs by region.', 'expectation': 'map visualization showing the number of layoffs by region'},
{'query': 'Show me all crime data by neighborhood.', 'expectation': 'heatmap showing crime frequency by neighborhood'},
{'query': 'Display the number of crimes by community area.', 'expectation': 'map visualization showing the number of crimes by community area'}
'Single-Value': [
{'query': 'Count the total number of layoffs in the Chicago area.', 'expectation': 'single-value chart showing total layoffs'}
'Sankey': [
{'query': 'Visualize the flow of layoffs from different industries to regions.', 'expectation': 'sankey diagram showing the flow of layoffs from industries to regions'}
# inserting this into a dataframe
eval_df = pd.DataFrame({
'Category': [category for category in evaluation_queries for _ in evaluation_queries[category]],
'Query': [query['query'] for category in evaluation_queries.values() for query in category],
'Expectation': [query['expectation'] for category in evaluation_queries.values() for query in category]


Evaluation Metric

Now we need a way to numerically define the “validity” of our agent’s responses — a scoring mechanism that can help us distinguish good responses from bad ones.

This logic diagram explains how the designed evaluation metric works.

Image by Author — Explains the whole grading criteria

To calculate the total score, you can either use basic methods to check if the code has the required attributes, or you can use a Large Language Model (LLM) to perform the evaluation. In my implementation, I built a small score evaluator for each query using DSPy signatures

import dspy
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
# A pydantic validator for the output
class Score(BaseModel):
commentary: str = Field(desc="The analysis of the score")
Score: int = Field(desc="The score")

# This defines the signature we would be using for evaluating the total score
class Scorer(dspy.Signature):
You are a code evaluating agent. You take a query and code for evaluation.
You need to +1 for each of these attributes in the code

{'correct_column_names','title','Annotations','Format number in 1000 in K & millions in M',
'Aggregation used','correct axis label','Plotly_white theme','Correct chart type','Html tag like <b>',}

You are provided with a {query}
and Plotly code {code}
You need to tell me the total score

# A DSPy signature that takes the user query & agents code, and outputs a total score
query = dspy.InputField(desc="user query which includes information about data and chart they want to plot")
code = dspy.InputField(desc="The agent generated code")
output: Score = dspy.OutputField(desc='The score after evaluating the code')

# This function checks if the code runs
# It was seperated from the other grading because,
# the code became very slow when repeatedly executing code
def check_code_run(code):
score =0
code = code.split('```')[1]
return score

return score
# This function computes a score based on
# whether the LLM finds all the attributes it
# is looking for
def evaluating_response(code, query):

score =0
scorer = dspy.Predict(Scorer)
# Feeds the code and query to the LLM for evaluation
response = scorer(query=query, code=code)
# Parses the LLM output, your implementation may vary

return score

After defining the evaluation metric, let’s see how our system performed ‘untrained’. In order to optimize in DSPy we would have to recreate our Agent using DSPy Modules & Signatures.

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Defining the Agent in DSPy

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

# Pydantic Output parser
class Plotly_code(BaseModel):
commentary: str = Field(desc="The comments about the code")
Code: str = Field(desc="The Plotly Code")

# The signature for our prompt
class AgentSig(dspy.Signature):
You are AI agent who uses the {query} to generate data visualizations in Plotly.
You have to use the tools available to your disposal

You must give an output as code, in case there is no relevant columns, just state that you don't have the relevant information
# user query, dataframe_index & styling_index as inputs
query = dspy.InputField(desc="user query which includes information about data and chart they want to plot")

dataframe_context = dspy.InputField(desc=" Provides information about the data in the data frame. Only use column names and dataframe_name as in this context")
styling_context = dspy.InputField(desc='Provides instructions on how to style your Plotly plots')
# Output defined as code + comments
code: Plotly_code = dspy.OutputField(desc="Plotly code that visualizes what the user needs according to the query & dataframe_index & styling_context")
# DSPy Modules require you to implement two methods, one init & other forward
# For our purposes you can just understand this as what properties the agent should have
# And what it does with those properties
class AI_data_viz_agent(dspy.Module):
def __init__(self):
# dataframe_index & styling_index are LLama-Index based retrievers
# You can follow on how to define them by referencing the previous post
# Or look at what documents are stored inside, as shown in the images below
self.dataframe_index = dataframe_index
self.style_index = style_index
# Previously I choose a Llama-Index based ReAct agent, here
# I choose ChainOfThought Prompting, as the implementations in DSPy/Llama-Index
# for agents are different. Just as before we have the LLM given access to
# retrieved context in the form of tools, which it uses to answer the query

self.agent = dspy.ChainOfThought(AgentSig)

def forward(self, query):
# dataframe_context only retrieves 1 relevant dataframe
dataframe_context = self.dataframe_index.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=1).retrieve(query)[0].text
# styling context retrieves 1 type of style
styling_context = self.style_index.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=1).retrieve(query)[0].text
# then you pass the retrieved context and query into the agent
prediction = self.agent(dataframe_context=dataframe_context,styling_context=styling_context,query=query)

return dspy.Prediction(dataframe_context=dataframe_context,styling_context=styling_context,code=prediction.code)
# Intializing the LLM
lm = dspy.GROQ(model='llama3-70b-8192', api_key ="",max_tokens=3000 )
# Setting it as default
# Initiating the agent
# Asking the agent a query
print(agent('What is the distribution of crimes by type by histogram?').code)
Image by Author — Plot created after fixing some errors in the LLM output.

Evaluating Uncompiled/Untrained DSPy Program

To establish a benchmark, we would first evaluate our agent without ‘training/compiling’ it for better performance.

# eval_df was defined in the dataset section
# Add code into the evaluation df
code_list =[]
for q in eval_df['Query']:
eval_df['Code'] = code_list

# Checks if the code runs using the method

eval_df['check_run'] = [check_code_run(code) for code in eval_df['Code']]

# Evaluates the attributes in the code using evaluate_response method
eval_df['Attribute_Score'] = [evaluating_response(code,query) for code,query in zip(eval_df['Code'],eval_df['Query'])]

# Only queries where the agent has the necessary information should
# be answerable. We want to avoid situations where the agent generates
# accurate code for questions without sufficient information.
eval_df['Answerable'] = [1 if x.strip().lower()!='no relevant information' else 0 for x in eval_df['Expectation']]
Image by Author — Shows how the evaluation dataframe should look
# computes the final score
# Creating a judge signature
class CodeJudge(dspy.Signature):
"""Judge if the response has any code"""
response = dspy.InputField(desc="Response from AI agent")
has_code = dspy.OutputField(desc="Does the response contain any Python code", prefix="Factual[Yes/No]:")

# A metric that calculates the final score for every predicted response
# compared with the example which contains the best response
def full_metric(example,pred, trace=None):
if 'No relevant information' not in example.code:
check_run = check_code_run(pred.code)
attributes = evaluating_response(pred.code,example.query)
check_if_code = dspy.ChainOfThought(CodeJudge)
response = check_if_code(response=pred.code)
if response.has_code.split('Factual[Yes/No]:')[1].strip()=='Yes':
return 0
return 19

return check_run + attributes

zip_ = zip(eval_df['Answerable'],eval_df['check_run'],eval_df['Attribute_Score'],eval_df['Code'])
eval_df['Total_Score'] = [final_score(a,c,a_s,c) for a,c,a_s,c in zip_]

# computing the total score/total attainable score

The agent gets 60.7% of the total possible score, this would be the benchmark
Score card on different categories — This serves as our benchmark for different categories

Improving Performance

To enhance performance, we need to provide the model with examples that achieve perfect scores on our metric. Fortunately, the agent has already completed half of this task for us. To prepare the training set, we need to add the missing attributes and ensure the code is executable. If a query should return no results, simply include ‘No relevant information’ in the examples.

However, you have to take the improved code with a grain of salt and test it again to verify that the code, whether it actually has all the attributes necessary.

# Defined a new signature for the code improver agent
class Improver(dspy.Signature):
You are a code-improving agent. You take code and commentary and output improved code improvement.
You need to take the code and commentary and output Plotly code that would have a perfect score.

These were the 9 attributes the code was judged on, +1 for every correct answer
{'correct_column_names','title','Annotations','Format number in 1000 in K & millions in M only for numbers',
'Aggregation used','correct axis label','Plotly_white theme','Correct chart type','Html tag like <b>',}

This is the format you need to follow
code: {code}
improved_code: The output that would score 9
code = dspy.InputField(desc="The code you need to improve")
commentary = dspy.InputField(desc="The commentary on the code provided by evaluation agent")
improved_code = dspy.OutputField(desc="The improved code that would get a perfect score as per commentary")

# This improver module will give you the improved code
improver = dspy.ChainOfThought(Improver)
# You can use the scorer module defined earlier to verify the code meets
# the criteria you want
scorer = dspy.ChainOfThough(Scorer)

Calling the improver and scorer modules to generate and validate would do majority of the task for you. Now you just need to manually verify the output. It is preferable to do it one by one as our trainset is only 59 queries.

Image by Author — Shows the original ‘Code’ and ‘Best Response (Improved Code)’. As you can see the improver Module added the annotations which were missing from the original code

Creating a trainset

Now to send the training examples into a DSPy Optimizer for improving the prompt by adding Few Shot Examples.

# Creating a judge signature
class CodeJudge(dspy.Signature):
"""Judge if the response has any code"""
response = dspy.InputField(desc="Response from AI agent")
has_code = dspy.OutputField(desc="Does the response contain any Python code", prefix="Factual[Yes/No]:")

# A metric that calculates the final score for every predicted response
# compared with the example which contains the best response
def full_metric(example,pred, trace=None):
if 'No relevant information' not in example.code:
check_run = check_code_run(pred.code)
attributes = evaluating_response(pred.code,example.query)
check_if_code = dspy.ChainOfThought(CodeJudge)
response = check_if_code(response=pred.code)
if response.has_code.split('Factual[Yes/No]:')[1].strip()=='Yes':
return 0
return 19

return check_run + attributes
# Formating the query,code pair as DSPy Example
trainset = [dspy.Example(query=q, code=c).with_inputs('query') for q,c in zip(eval_full_df['Query'],eval_full_df['Best Response'])]

Finding Few Shot Examples

Giving an LLM a few shot examples in the prompt has been a consistent technique in improve the responses from the LLM. The traditional way of finding good examples is to guess and try. Now you can systematically find examples to add.

BootStrapFewShotstarts by doing the following:

  1. It initializes a student program, which we aim to optimize, and a teacher program, which is usually a copy of the student unless stated otherwise.
  2. It adds demonstrations to the teacher using the LabeledFewShot teleprompter.
  3. It creates mappings between the names of predictors and their corresponding instances in both the student and teacher models.
  4. It sets the maximum number of bootstrap demonstrations (max_bootstraps), limiting the amount of initial training data generated.

The process then goes through each example in the training set. For each example:

  1. The method checks if the maximum number of bootstraps has been reached. If it has, the process stops.
  2. The teacher model tries to generate a prediction.
  3. If the teacher model successfully makes a prediction, the details of this process are recorded. This includes which predictors were called, the inputs they received, and the outputs they produced.
  4. If the prediction is successful, a demonstration (demo) is created for each step in the recorded process, including the inputs and outputs for each predictor.
from dspy.teleprompt import BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch

# Set up the optimizer: we want to "bootstrap" (i.e., self-generate) 8-shot examples of your program's steps.
# The optimizer will repeat this 10 times (plus some initial attempts) before selecting its best attempt on the devset.
config = dict(max_bootstrapped_demos=2, max_labeled_demos=2, num_candidate_programs=3, num_threads=4)

# Few Shot With Random Search (oversimplified) works by using the LLM to generate examples,
# Then it tests how well those examples do on evaluation
# After multiple iterations you will have good examples for your training set
teleprompter = BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch(metric=full_metric, **config)
optimized_agent = teleprompter.compile(agent, trainset=trainset)

After training this will give us few shoot examples to add to the prompt, which we can see by using lm.inspect_history(n=1).

Image by Author — Shows one of the proposed examples for optimizing the prompt.

Optimizing Prompt Instructions, Signatures & Prefixes

We have some examples to test for our prompt, but what about the initial instructions? DSPy offers algorithms to optimize those as well. The algorithm used here is COPRO, which operates as follows at a high level:

  • Generates and Refines New Instructions: COPRO creates new sets of instructions and improves them step-by-step.
  • Coordinate Ascent (Hill-Climbing): This is an optimization technique where each step aims to improve the outcome based on a given metric function. Hill-climbing is a type of local search algorithm that continuously moves towards increasing value solutions.
  • Metric Function and Trainset: The optimization uses a metric function (which could be any quantitative measure of success or fitness) and a training dataset (trainset) to evaluate and improve the instructions.
  • Depth: This parameter specifies the number of iterations the optimizer performs to improve the prompt. More iterations generally allow for more refined and optimized instructions.
from dspy.teleprompt import COPRO

# Initializing COPRO with our designed metric and breadth tells
# how many optimizations to try
teleprompter = COPRO(
# num_threads is how many instances it opens with the LLM
# be careful as opening too many would exhaust your API and may charge you
kwargs = dict(num_threads=8, display_progress=True, display_table=0) # Used in Evaluate class in the optimization process

# compiling our program
compiled_prompt_opt = teleprompter.compile(agent, trainset=trainset[:40], eval_kwargs=kwargs)
# saving it to review later'COPRO_agent.json')

After compilation I can see what types of instructions and prefixes & signatures would result in a better performance for the agent.

#you can check the candidate program by using the __dict__ inside every DSPy Program
Image by author — Changes proposed by the Optimizer for the instructions!
It suggested to add this Prefix into our prompt.


Below are the compiled results for each prompting technique, the biggest improvement overall came from optimizing signatures & prefixes (labeled as COPRO_AGENT ). Meaning that original instructions and Prefixes were heavy unoptimized. Overall the COPRO agent did 71% on our dataset, FewShoot did 63% and base line was 60%.

Image by Author — Generated by Optimized Agent

Disclaimer: Performance was measured on a specific set of queries. Like most ML tasks, you cannot infer beyond your training/validation sets.

Image by Author — The agent now able to do more complex visuals

Next Steps

The agent has certainly improved but there is a long way to go. I plan making more improvement and add additional functionality like doing basic EDA and statistical modelling using this AI agent.

Did you find this post informative? If so, consider following FireBird Technologies and myself on Medium. If you need assistance with AI development, please feel free to reach out(using the link below)

Thank you for reading!



Arslan Shahid
FireBird Technologies

Life has the Markov property, the future is independent of the past, given the present