Aligning yourself with God

Jesher Lim Jian Tzin
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2016
The worship team on stage during the pre-service prayer

Starting off, since the week is communion week, the service started of with the worship session. And as usual, we had pre-service prayer during the worship.

The youth engaged in prayer

After the worship, Shaun Leow came up to give the announcements of the service (with which he made a little fool of himself, attempting to get the announcement right).

The worship session going on

And then, we had the speaker of the night, Hui Jen (aka Jeffrey/Jenny if you are feeling extra naughty), to speak to us. His sermon was part testimony, part challenge to the youth.

Back in the day, the youth had many reasons for attending fireBRANDS. Among them: to seek God and to know Him more. Youth Service had become a place for the youth of that time to come together to learn and grow in the Lord together. And while this was happening, Hui Jen had to “fight” to be able to come to Youth Service. All this was because of the importance of growing together in the Lord. One of the most significant impacts that Hui Jen got from those days is the fact that while his year had one of the largest groups in the youth itself, most of them have left the faith and currently profess that they don’t believe God exists anymore.

Hui Jen, the speaker of the night

Proverbs 27:17 states that: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Therefore, coming together to worship the Lord and learn about Him in a corporate setting is equally as important as having your own personal time with the Lord. To further solidify this point, two volunteers were called upon to do a small demonstration. The “lucky” people chosen: Charity and Jin Juen. Both were asked to put one hand up and only Charity had an advantage. She was able to call upon someone to help with keeping her hand up. By coming and worshiping together, one will be surrounded by friends who can come alongside to provide support and help in times of need. This is because when you do something, there will always be a strain, and without friends, one can give up easily.

The challenge to the young people of today is to go out there and do “life”. During the schooling years, one may not realize the realities of how much the world is not aligned to the Word of God. It is when we start college that life starts getting tougher. This happens when people from other walks of life can start to question/challenge your faith through many means, be it through the lecture sessions, or normal conversations about topics unrelated to studies. All this “pressure points” can also come from many different sources, be it one’s friends, lecturers, or classmates who disagree with your beliefs strongly. Hence, there is always this question: God first or World-influence first.

However, we are never alone. Which is why there is always churches that one can run to, should the need arise. Because doing things alone can be draining. But if we have each other willing to love and support each other, exhaustion is only a temporary setback. And we also have God on our side. Cause there is always this in place: if we were to do out part in the expansion of the Kingdom of God, then He will do his part to aid us and grant us the resources needed for the tasks that He has placed before us.

That’s all for this week’s post. See you all next Sat for the next session. Peace out.

