Love the Lord Your God

Jesher Lim Jian Tzin
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2016

Service on the 8th of October had a few minor changes. First, the pre-service prayer has now been moved forward from before worship back to before ice-breaker and the service in general. However, all the “activities” still began at 7:30 pm.

Katrina leading us in a time of prayer.
The pre-service prayer going on before ice breaker starts.

And… after prayer came ice breaker. For this game, we had to sit in a circle, following a set beat that everybody has to do. A volunteer would begin, by timing the name of the person he/she wishes to pass the ball to and to say the number of times that person has to call out their name on the 3rd and 4th beat (highest number available is 4). For example, let’s say person A (she) calls out person C’s (he) name and says the number to be 4, person C has to immediately start calling out his name 4 times in timing with the beat. The tricky part is to get the timing of when to say what right.

Yeo Naomi, the ice breaker master for the night.
All the youth having fun (and getting confused at the same time).

In the midst of all the chaos that ensued, quite a number of people made mistakes. Good thing that there was no forfeit punishment to be handed out that night.

Nicholas’s face be like “What am I doing here?”

Then, came along worship. Led by Joshua Tan, the worship team opened with 2 fast songs (which hasn’t happen in a while). And although there were only 2 slow songs that night, the youth engaged pretty well.

Time for Praise and Worship.

Now it’s time for a bit more serious stuff. The greatest commandment ever to be issued from God is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. But in order to love someone, there must be a reason that drives you to do that very thing. Mark 12: 28–30 describes to a situation in which Jesus answers a question with the most important commandment which is as stated above.

Hence, if one is able to hold on to the fundamental truth of having the drive to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength, then he/she would be able to find fulfilment in Christ.

Ps. Andy, who brought us the word that night.

Do you know that just knowing the Bible from cover to cover is not enough? Even the Devil knows the Bible from cover to cover, but obeying God will grant us an advantage over the Devil. For Luke 11:28 states that: Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Other verses include John 14:21 and 1st Samuel 15:22–24.

Also, if we continue to obey God and to walk in His ways, he will never let us down. As stated in James2:14–28, faith without works is dead. It is also stated that if we do not obey, though we know, then He would refuse us entry into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 7:21).

