When the truth hurts…

Jesher Lim Jian Tzin
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2016
Pre-Service jamming session

Welcome to another fireBRANDS blog post

Benz leading the icebreaker

Well to start off, it’s ICEBREAKER as usual, with Benz Elan Paul as our icebreaker master. So the game we played was the “wush” game, something we haven’t played in a while. With the added feature of swapping out the people being forfeited (and limiting it to two people), the forfeit candidates were Jonathan A. and Charity Loh.

Sarah chairing the service for the night
Staring contest between Jon A. and Charity Loh

Then, to decide who would take the solo forfeit spot (and eternal(?) glory), a staring contest was carried out. Unfortunately, Charity Loh lost, being unable to hold a gaze long. So as a forfeit, she had to dance for 5 seconds (not that it was that successful). Then, Ken-Jeen got called out as well, even though he wasn’t forfeited in the first place.

The images of the youth having fun during the icebreaker
On the left: Shaun doing one of his trademark stares. On the right: Nehe attempting to drag Ken-Jeen out to do the forfeit with Charity

Next on the agenda is prayer, led by Matthew Clyde. The prayer points are:
1. The speaker of the night — Joseph Lam.
2. The worship leader — Benz Paul (first time).
3. Exams.

After prayer, it’s straight to worship, led by Benz Paul (hats off to him for being brave enough to lead all on his own).

Some of the people gathered together to pray.
The worship team lifting up Benz in prayer.

Finally, before the speaker was called up, there was only one announcement (sadly) because the next day was no captain ball as the youth still had exams going on. Now, to welcome the highlight of the youth service, the speaker — Joseph Lam.

Joseph Lam bringing us the word

Joseph Lam’s main passage: Matthew 24:3-44. His main message is that nowadays, the trend is to voice out our opinions without worrying about the consequences of our actions. In fact, a lot of young people nowadays are of the thought that nobody can tell them what to do, and that they are the kings of their own lives. But, not everything out there in the world, does Jesus agree with. And, Jesus came to the world not to give us a lot of comfort, but He came to wake us up to His reality, and that reality sometimes offends us. Therefore, we need to recommit our lives back to Jesus. And the road will not be easy, but worthwhile in the end. As we are living in the end times, lawlessness will increase, the love for others will go cold and false prophets will appear, as seen in quite a number of bible scriptures such as Jeremiah 23:16–32.

That’s all for this blog post. See you all in a few days time. Peace out.

