The End of the Context Graph Experiment (But Not the End of Context Graph!)

Toby Elliott
Firefox Context Graph
1 min readMar 7, 2017

On December 19, we concluded data collection in the Context Graph Experiment as planned.

We achieved our target goal of ten thousand (opt-in) users with three weeks to spare. We would like to extend thanks to the community for taking part in this experiment and for trusting us with your browsing data. Over the course of this experiment you generated fifteen million visits across nine million different URLs!

At this point, we’ve handed the data over to a small internal team of analysts to see what insights they can find. Their work, made possible by your contributions, will enable us to better understand the Web, the way we use it, and helps guide the next generation of Context Graph data collection. We hope you’ll be willing to continue sharing data about your browsing habits then and look forward to seeing our discoveries and insights.

