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Firefox Test Pilot
Firefox Test Pilot
Helping you help build Firefox
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New Features in Screenshots

As part of our Screenshots release on July 26, 2018, we thought we’d update you on a few new features that we think you’ll find especially useful.

We shipped a simple image editor a few months ago to enable users to annotate and crop their shots. Now we…

Notes v4 with multi-note support

Multi-note support is now available in the new Test Pilot Notes v4 update. This was the most requested feature after going through all of the user research and feedback. You may also notice more UX changes to make Notes feel more like the rest of Firefox by following the…

Students Pitch New Accessibility Features for Firefox

In early October, the Test Pilot team helped kick off an undergraduate product design course at design and media school Ravensbourne in London. The partnership with Ravensbourne was spearheaded by Mozilla’s Open Innovation team with the…