Back To The Future

by Minerva Zimmerman

Brian J. White
Fireside Fiction
2 min readMar 15, 2016


Wow, everyone gets to read Running Down A Dream starting today, which completes the first story arc set in The Shattered Ones world. It’s a pretty big world with a long past, so why did I choose Hannah as the entry point for the reader?

The answer is that my subconscious mind is way smarter than my conscious one. I wanted to write something cute and fun specifically to share with a friend. I wrote this — (SO MANY SPOILERS )— which takes place many years after the first Shattered Ones ARC. They were characters I knew in a familiar world, but I’d never figured out their past. Here they were talking about it… and suddenly I wanted to know more.

The first scene I wrote is one from almost the end of Running Down A Dream in which Alex pulls over in the desert and Hannah goes stomping off. It made it into the book with almost no changes. Only after I’d written that scene did I go and write the beginning of the story. The more I wrote, the more I realized how Hannah becomes a vampire is pretty much a perfect story for entry into the world of The Shattered Ones. She’s involved in the political struggles of the Hallowed due to her family, but also pretty removed from everything because of her age and geographic distance. When Alex turns her into a vampire it connects her to the longer history of the world and various groups with no direct ties to her family — such as The Circle.

It’s a very big world with a lot going on, and I’m planning to tell a lot more stories in it. Pretty much any named Hallowed character has more stories I can tell. For example: I’m planning to write a short where Noah goes on his Hannah-mandated date. My editor also really wants me to eventually write the story of what Michel and Alex were up to during the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fires. And of course there is another plot arc planned for Hannah and Alex. Hopefully Running Down A Dream brings readers to a comfortable stopping point for a bit, but there’s more to this story. After all, forever is a very long time.

Buy The Shattered Ones

Book 1: Take On Me (On sale for 99 cents until April 1)
Kindle | iTunes | Nook | Kobo

Book 2: Cruel Summer
Kindle | iTunes | Nook | Kobo

Book 3: Running Down A Dream
Kindle | iTunes | Nook | Kobo



Brian J. White
Fireside Fiction

Newspaper editor. Founder of Fireside Fiction Company.