The Forever Endeavor, a novella by Chuck Wendig, is on sale now!

Brian J. White
Fireside Fiction
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016

Way back in Year 2 of Fireside, we serialized a novella about time travel and regret by Chuck Wendig. We’ve collected this terrific story into an ebook, and it is on sale today!

BUY: Kindle | iTunes | Nook | Kobo | Goodreads

(If you have read The Forever Endeavor, either the serial or the collection, it would help us A LOT if you could leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. This seriously does more to help books do well than anything else. Thank you!)

About The Forever Endeavor

Dale Gilooly has a problem. Well, Dale has a lot of problems. Addiction. Rent. A girlfriend he let slip away.

But Dale has a solution. It’s a Box. And it will let him go back 10 minutes in time. Enough to fix his new mistakes as they happen. And give him an edge to fix the old ones that haunt him.

Oh, and one other problem: Where did these other Dales come from?

Walter Bard has a problem. Well, Walter has twenty problems. Each of them a body buried in a pumpkin patch. And… they’re all the same. Right down to the teeth.

But Walter has a solution. It’s his job. Solutions. He’s a detective, after all.

Chuck wrote a bit more about the novella over on his site.

Publishers Weekly praised The Forever Endeavor for its “creative narrative and a sense for visceral action” and said “Wendig successfully busts the niche’s conventions wide open, and he throws in a few winking asides to his previous work that will evoke a grim chortle from his fans.”

Buy The Forever Endeavor

Kindle | iTunes | Nook | Kobo | Goodreads



Brian J. White
Fireside Fiction

Newspaper editor. Founder of Fireside Fiction Company.