A Propaganda Analysis of Qanon and “The Plan To Save the World”

A study of the propaganda tactics used by QAnon to influence public opinion.

Laura Brown
24 min readJul 30, 2020


Modern Context

An increasing number of scholars and public officials in the United States have been sounding the alarm on creeping fascism in America, specifically after the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and the subsequent flaunting of democratic norms. Dr. Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State and UN Ambassador under the Bill Clinton administration, penned a book in 2018 called Fascism: A Warning, which examines the hospitable conditions for fascism around the globe during the 20th century and applies them to the modern day United States. Among these favorable conditions are the idea that fascism flourishes in chaotic political conditions (check), instability in class systems because of growing economic inequality (check), and polarized political parties more concerned with infighting than with governing (double check). Dr. Albright concludes that the current political situation in America is ripe for fascism to take over (Albright, 2018).

Given the historical importance of propaganda to the rise of fascism, it is worth taking a more nuanced look at the current media messages that are appealing to the margins of American politics. For this paper, I use the principles laid out in the Fine Art of Propaganda and applying them to videos posted on Youtube by “Q,” an internet conspiracy theorist who has been operating in the shadows of anonymous message boards and has amassed quite a following. Despite Q’s digital origins, followers have been seen publicly at Trump rallies and have been arrested committing crimes in defense of the conspiracy that Q puts forth. For example, a man was arrested in Tucson, Arizona, after attempting to occupy a cement plant, convinced it was a child sex ring (“Two Arizona arrests have ties to QAnon conspiracy theory movement,” 2018). Q is operating in the shadows, but his or her followers are increasingly public.

What is Q?

Beginning on October 28, 2017, an anonymous poster on 4Chan, an anonymous message board, claims to have insider information on the inner-workings of the Trump administration. The name “Q” comes from the “Q” security clearance, which is the top secret security clearance offered by the Department of Defense. Anyone possessing a Q clearance has access to top secret government documents and information, including military workings and knowledge of geopolitical events (“All About Security Clearances,” 2018).

Q’s first posts on the internet read:

“HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.”

The second took on the cryptic style that has become common for Q posts:


HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).

Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?

What is military intelligence?

Why go around the 3 letter agencies?

What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?

Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military w\o approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?

What is the military code?

Where is AW being held? Why?

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.

Who has access to everything classified?

Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.

Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.

This is not a R v D battle.

Why did Soros donate all his money recently?

Why would he place all his funds in a RC?

Mockingbird 10.30.17

God bless fellow Patriots.

The only thing made clear by these texts is that the full conspiracy theory that Q and his followers believe is a complex one. It incorporates many of the conspiracy theories at the fringes of American public opinion, but the gist of the story is that Donald Trump’s presidency is fighting a “dramatic covert war of Bibilical proportions, literally the fight for death, between the forces of good and evil.” This war is taking place because “the world plunged into darkness”, and the people who are fighting to save it are the “good guys” fighting a shadow “deep state” of elected officials that are knee deep in criminality. The elected officials in question are not just institutional American politicians like Barack Obama, the Bushes and the Clintons, but international political figures like Queen Elizabeth and Pope Francis. Q’s narrative attempts to turn the existing hegemony of public opinion completely upside down.

On June 25, 2018, a Youtube Channel titled “Storm is Upon Us” published the first of four videos promoting Q’s conspiracy theories. The first of these is called “The Plan To Save the World.” This 13 minute video features a robotic voice over hypnotizing music that details the full scope of Q’s conspiracy theory in a manner that makes the watcher feel as though everything they know is a lie. The videos posted on the official channel have three million views altogether, but there are also several “unofficial” copies of the video in circulation with extremely high view counts. The videos are heavily promoted and dissected within the Q conspiracy theory community. You can view the video at the following URL:


Historical Context

In 1937, as Adolf Hitler was ramping up anti-semitic propaganda and annexing countries in the lead up to World War II, a group of prestigious scholars in New York City established an institute dedicated to the scientific study of Propaganda. Propaganda is “an expression of opinion or action by individuals or groups deliberately designed to influence opinions or actions of other individuals or groups with reference to predetermined ends” (Lee and Lee, 15).

The mission of the new Institute for Propaganda Analysis was to provide a “badly needed perspective for current affairs” and provide the public with tools to rationally consider media messages, complete with a program to assist teachers with curriculum on the effects of propaganda (Lee and Lee, xiii).

The Institute ceased operations in 1941, after only 4 years, because the United States was drawn into the war. They justified the decision by saying they “the publication of dispassionate analyses of all kinds of propaganda… is easily misunderstood during a war emergency, and more important, the analyses could be misused for undesirable purposes by persons opposing the government’s efforts” (Lee and Lee, xii).

Despite its short lifespan, the Institute published at least three full books on propaganda analysis and quite a number of bulletins and pamphlets. One of these books, The Fine Art of Propaganda, was written to “discuss the general and personal — the social and psychological — characteristics of propaganda, and then take up the methods of propagandists” (Lee and Lee, 13).

This paper will focus on the first, and longest, of these videos: “The Plan to Save The World,” using the tools of propaganda analysis developed by the Institute for Propaganda Analysis in the 1930s. A link to this video is above, and a full transcript of the videos text can be seen in the Appendix. The appropriate texts from the transcript will be provided in-line for context to the discussion.

The Seven Tools of Propaganda and The Plan To Save The World

  1. name-calling“giving an idea a bad label — is used to make us reject and condemn the idea without examining the evidence.”
    The words used in name calling are called omnibus words, which means they have different meanings and emotional reactions from different people.

When name calling is spotted, the following questions are helpful to ask:

-What does the name mean?

-Does the idea in question — the proposal of the propagandist — have a legitimate connection with the real meaning of the name?

-Is an idea that serves my best interests and the best interests of society, as I see them, being dismissed through giving it a name I don’t like?

-Leaving the name out of consideration, what are the merits of the idea itself?

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: “We acknowledge there are criminals of course. They rob your house, they steal your phone, they can murder you, too, if they think they can get away with it. We have all experienced criminals in one way or another. Criminals — as we know — are those who choose personal gain over the rights of others, and have no regard for the law. But here’s where you need to expand your thinking. Criminals can also succeed in business and politics and can be elected as our leaders.”

The best example of name-calling as a propaganda device is in the use of the word “criminal” throughout the video.

The speaker defines a “criminal” as “those who choose personal gain over the rights of others.” This is different than the general cultural definition of the word, which implies that a person has committed illegal activities. A more appropriate word the speaker could use to describe this idea is “selfish.” It is easier for the audience to empathize with the word “selfish” than it is for the word “criminal.” This is a deliberately decisive word choice by the speaker, that generalizes criminality and doesn’t paint with specifics. It is an almost textbook example of name-calling, as defined above.

The word “criminal” appears 31 times in the video, primarily as a device for defining the “bad guys” in the current “dramatic covert war of Biblical proportions.” Dramatic, indeed. The use of the word ‘criminal’ allows the speaker to attach the “bad guys” to a descriptive word that is almost universally interpreted negatively. Only later in the video does the speaker begin tying “criminal” to the other primary descriptives of the “bad guys” — they are also the “Deep State” and the “Cabal”. At the very end of the video, the “criminals” are more specifically defined as “famous politicians, actors, singers, CEOs and celebrities.” This ties the general negative reaction to the word “criminals” into association with terminology that is more specific to the conspiracy theory, and then eventually ties this directly to a generic group of people with power. The speaker also paints himself and the audience as “not criminals.” This establishes an “us versus them” narrative that is pervasive in the video.

While the use of the word “criminal” is rampant, there is little evidence contained within the document to factually back up such an assertion. There are vague references to crimes that invoke negative feelings in the audience such as “drug running, human trafficking [and] whatever makes the big bucks.” If those words weren’t enough to drive home the point, the speaker then points out the immediate effects of this crime, which are “war, economic disaster, famine and displacement.” Despite these broad claims, nowhere in the video are any specific factual claims made about crime. There are no statistics and crimes are not tied to any specific people.

2. Glittering generalities“associating something with a “virtue word” — is used to make us accept and approve the thing without examining the evidence.”
The words used for glittering generalities are called “virtue words” — they are often words that are cherished by society, but ultimately mean different things to different people. This propaganda device is Name Calling in reverse.

When a glittering generality is spotted here are the questions to ask:

-What does the virtue word really mean?

-Does the idea in question — the proposal of the propagandist — have a legitimate connection to the real meaning of the word?

-Is an idea that does not serve my best interests and the best interests of society, as I see them, belong “sold” to me merely through its being given a name that I like?

-Leaving the word itself out of consideration, what are the merits of the idea itself?

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: “So where are all the good guys? Good people just wanna get married, have kids, make a living and enjoy their liberty. Well there were good guys. Many.

The good guys were devising a plan to reclaim the world from the Cabal and return it to the people. It would involve alliances with multiple countries, since the criminals had global rat lines, trade and other infrastructure in place that would need their cooperation. It came to two choices for America: launch a military coup to seize the government from whichever Cabal puppet was in the White House at the time, or win legitimately, take control of the NSA, expose the criminals for what they are and arrest them all.”

The most apparent use of a glittering generality in the video is the use of the phrase “good guys” or “good patriots” throughout the video. The good guys are defined as people who “just want to get married, have kids, make a living, and enjoy their liberty.” This presents a narrow definition of life choices that excludes people who might have different ambitions, such as academics or politics, from being classified as “good people.” The visuals presented in the video when “good guys” are discussed are those of Donald Trump, Vadimir Putin of Russia and Mohamand Bin Soloman of Saudi Arabia. These are world leaders who are generally supportive of fascist ideas and regularly attack institutions of democracy. The speaker primarily defines a “good guy” by contrasting them with the criminals. For example, the video states that the “Cabal [hates] America and [Donald Trump] does not agree with them on that point.”

Despite the word “good” being used 14 times in the video, there is not much actual evidence presented to provide a factual basis for the description of the narrator and his ideas being “good guys.” The only specific action tied to the “good guys” is that they are planning a coup by ‘devising a plan to reclaim the world from the Cabal and return it to the people.” That alone certainly does not provide the basis for a “good guy.”

3. transfer — “carries the authority, sanction and prestige of something respected and revered over to something else in order to make the latter acceptable; or it acarries authority, sanction and disapproval to cause us to reject and disapprove something the propagandist would have us reject and disapprove.”

Transfer relies heavily on the use of symbols to stir emotions. The following questions are good to ask when you notice a transfer:

-what is the proposal of the propagandist, stated as simply and concretely as possible?

-What is the meaning of the things from which the propagandist is seeking to Transfer authority, sanction and prestige?

-Is there any legitimate connection between the proposal of the propagandist and the respected and revered thing, person or institution?

-Disregarding the trick, what are the merits of the proposal alone?

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: “Well there were good guys. Many. One became the president of the United States in January of 1961. He knew about these criminals and wanted them gone. H knew their intentions for us all and he wanted to fight them. Sadly, he had no idea how powerful they’d become. Reagan also had good intentions for the American people. He knew this criminal mafia controlled almost everything by this stage, including the powerful rogue intelligence agencies. His economic policies were promising, but the criminals needed a weak America to hold onto their power. Reagan was shown — with a bullet — that a growing U.S. economy and prosperous citizens were not what the criminals wanted.”

The best example of transfer as a propaganda device is the use of former American Presidents Kennedy and Reagan to establish the speaker’s authority as a “good person.” Both of these figures are respected by the video’s intended target audience. Kennedy is a common topic among the conspiracy theory community to whom this video appeals, and Reagan is popular among the conservative community with whom there is much audience crossover here. Interestingly, neither former president actually meets the speaker’s definition of a “good person” who just wants to “get married, have kids, make a living and enjoy their liberty.” Their political ambitions alone would have placed them on the outside of this narrow definition.Nevertheless,the speaker still uses the popularity of these figures to transfer the definition of “good guy” onto himself and the audience. There is even a false quote presented in the visuals. According to Snopes, Kennedy never said that “there is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot” (“FACT CHECK,” 2018).

It should be noted that both of these Presidents are now dead, and unable to provide actual commentary on current world affairs. There is no legitimate connection between the speaker’s ideas and the Presidents that are mentioned. In fact, quite the opposite. Reagan took a bold stance against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and likely would not support a plan to upend the global world order and establish Vladimir Putin as a “good guy.”

4. testimonial “consists in having some respected or hated person say that a given idea or program or product or person is good or bad.”
Testimonials are a rhetorical device that can be a fair way to give emphasis to a legitimate idea. They can also be misrepresentative of an idea by sugar-coating falsehoods or misinformation. The following questions can be asked:

-Who or what is quoted in this testimonial?

-Why should we regard this reason as having expert knowledge or trustworthy information or reliable opinion on the subject in question?

-What does the idea amount to on its own merits without the testimonial?

The nature of the video does not lend itself well to this propaganda device, as only one voice is presented throughout, and the speaker is anonymous.The entire video is presented as a testimonial of “Q” himself, though the video’s producer states in the description that he is not “Q.” Of course, Q does not have any established credibility, as nobody has been able to prove who he is.

5. Plain-folk -“is the method by which a speaker attempts to convince his audience that he and his ideas are good because they are ‘of the people.’”

This is a rhetorical device designed to win the confidence of the public by presenting the propagandist as a member of the general population, just a plain person among friends. This device is common among political campaigns that try to paint politicians as plain Americans.

The use of plain-folk as a propaganda device is most obvious in the use of the first person plural throughout the video. The use of “we” and “us” throughout serves to tie the speaker and his ideas to the audience. “We” were all wrong about the current world order. “It is not in our power to fight and be racist.” “Our global concerns are starting to recede [but]… We are still in the middle of the war.” The speaker is on our side, “they” are on the side of the criminals, and “we won’t accept them.” “They use their control of the media to set black against white, woman against man, young against old, Muslim against Christian. They convinced us we were the problem so that we could fight and destroy ourselves.” The subtext here is that we have been duped into caring so much about petty social justice issues, which do not really matter in the eyes of the speaker. This discounts without evidence any validity that these movements might have.

6. Card-stacking“involves the selection and use of facts or falsehoods, illustrations or distractions, and logical or illogical statements in order to give the best or the worst possible case for an idea, program, person or product.”

This rhetorical device is summarized by an editorial writer in The New York TImes in 1937 — “what is truly vicious is not propaganda but a monopoly of it.” Card Stacking is what happens when an idea refuses to be challenged by alternative ideas. This can be found not only in a format in which one side of the discussion has all the coverage, such as a partisan radio show, but also in what is not present — such as the ability for questions to be asked or ideas challenged.

Card-stacking is present throughout, as the piece only presents one interpretation of events, and intentionally does not interject any facts or ideas that directly challenge the central idea of the video.

7. Bandwagon — “has as it’s theme, “everybody — at least all of us — are doing it”; with it, the propagandist attempts to convince us that all members of a group to which we belong are accepting his program and that we must therefore follow our crowd and “jump on the bandwagon.”

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT “Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of upcoming events. We are among the first to realize that our petty partisan divisions are just trivial distractions, and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy. We realize that the problem was never capitalism or socialism, Democrat or Republican, black or white, Muslim or Christian. We know it was just very powerful criminals who had too much power.

Fellow slaves, it’s time to buckle your seatbelt, recognize your true enemy and embrace a new future that we all owe to the brave patriots who risked their lives to achieve victory against the greatest force of evil the world has ever known.

Q. Trust the Plan.”

This is the final propaganda device because all the other devices are used to push us onto the Band Wagon. Where earlier devices are designed to encourage the public to feel emotions instead of rationally consider an idea, this is the final step, asking the public to set aside any doubts and join the group because everyone around them is doing it too.

The bandwagon example is the call to action at the end of the video. The speaker’s idea is for people to drop their ideology and follow him instead. This promises a sense of community, as “those who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you.”


The Plan To Save The World makes heavy use of propaganda devices as outlined in the Fine Art of Propaganda. The speaker relies most heavily on name-calling, glittering generalities and plain-folk as a way to make the case for his ideas. The video contains little factual substance and quite a bit of emotionally charged words and appeals to modern political stereotypes as a way of establishing a false sense of credibility for the ideas presented in the video. As Q continues to spread across anonymous corners of the internet, more attention must be paid to his rhetorical techniques and the degree to which they are influencing the public.


Albright, M. K., & Woodward, B. (2018). Fascism: a warning. First edition. New York, NY: Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers.

All About Security Clearances. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2018, from https://www.state.gov/m/ds/clearances/c10978.htm

FACT CHECK: Did JFK Say “There’s a Plot in This Country to Enslave Every Man, Woman, and Child”? (n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2018, from https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jfk-plot-in-this-country-to-enslave/

Lee, A. M., & Lee, E. B. (1939). The Fine Art of Propaganda. First edition. Octagon Books.

Pizzagate: From rumor, to hashtag, to gunfire in D.C. — The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2018, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/pizzagate-from-rumor-to-hashtag-to-gunfire-in-dc/2016/12/06/4c7def50-bbd4-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.d24122166951

Two Arizona arrests have ties to QAnon conspiracy theory movement. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2018, from https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2018/08/07/qanon-ties-two-arizona-arrests-conspiracy-theory-trump/920336002/

Appendix A — Transcript of video “The Plan to Save the World”

Have you ever wondered why we go to war? Or why you never seem to be able to get out of debt? Why there is poverty, division and crime? What if I told you there was a reason for it all? What if I told you it was done on purpose? What if I told you that those who were corrupting the world, poisoning our food and igniting conflict were — themselves — about to be permanently eradicated from the earth? you might think that an idealistic fantasy. Well let me tell you a story.

We acknowledge there are criminals of course. They rob your house, they steal your phone, they can murder you, too, if they think they can get away with it. We have all experienced criminals in one way or another. Criminals — as we know — are those who choose personal gain over the rights of others, and have no regard for the law. But here’s where you need to expand your thinking. Criminals can also succeed in business and politics and can be elected as our leaders.

If a criminal became a president, imagine what they could achieve. They could use the full weight of their executive power to commit much larger crimes and ensure they and their friends were enriched to the fullest extent possible. A criminal president could create alliances with other criminal presidents, and then collaborate on more criminal activities. Anything goes. Drug running, human trafficking, whatever makes the big bucks.

The 20th century was turbulent with war, economic disaster, famines and displacement. We have always accepted these things as just human nature, and simply the way the world works; something inevitable and due to the weaknesses of human nature that drive us to these actions. This is where we were all tragically wrong.

You are not a criminal, I am not a criminal. So how can we just assume that it is human nature that is driving all this pain and misery? What if it wasn’t human nature at all as a result of something more deliberate? We were taught that capitalism was the cause of a massive rich/poor divide and the reason for poverty, which is in turn the reason for war, crime and starvation. Others were taught that communism, a system of equal wealth across all people, was really to blame for the mess.

But you see, folks, it is none of these things. It is not our nature to fight and be racist. It is not in our nature to rob from others. What you must learn is that it was the criminals all along. Yes, they got power, more power than a criminal should ever have. They rose to the top of media companies that control our news and entertainment. They ascended to the top of the banking system, also to the Oval Office, to the Vatican, to the Crown. They crept in quietly. They became leaders of agricultural companies who have control over our food supply, also, big pharmaceutical companies, the ones we trust to help us when we’re sick. Nobody stopped them and they just recruited more criminals to help them.

First they accumulated the world’s wealth, they invented a system of money called Central Banking, which lends money to governments with interest, placing countries into eternal debt. People’s wealth got less, their wealth got more — much more. When a criminal is already as rich as they can get, then protecting their ill-gotten gains become the priority. Angry citizens, tired of being poor, are a major obstacle and can revolt if they suffer enough. The criminals needed to prevent this. So they diverted attention to the last remaining competitor — the people of the world. You and me. We were not happy being ruled by criminals and having to work three jobs just to survive. They know we won’t accept it, so they use their control of the media to set black against white, woman against man, young against old, Muslim against Christian. They convinced us we were the problem so that we could fight and destroy ourselves.

To get it done faster, they attack all aspects of humanity that make us strong, like family. Using their influence over culture, they popularize lifestyle choices that lead to a surge in broken homes, lost youth and substance abuse. I could talk all day about how else they deliberately weakened us and it would turn your stomach. We were just trying to get on with living.

So where are all the good guys? Good people just wanna get married, have kids, make a living and enjoy their liberty. Well there were good guys. Many. One became the president of the United States in January of 1961. He knew about these criminals and wanted them gone. H knew their intentions for us all and he wanted to fight them. Sadly, he had no idea how powerful they’d become. Reagan also had good intentions for the American people. He knew this criminal mafia controlled almost everything by this stage, including the powerful rogue intelligence agencies. His economic policies were promising, but the criminals needed a weak America to hold onto their power. Reagan was shown — with a bullet — that a growing U.S. economy and prosperous citizens were not what the criminals wanted.

It was looking pretty grim for good people. Every time someone wanted to stand up and do the right thing, they got stopped. Were we ever to be freed? These criminals are also known as the Deep State, or Cabal, because of how they control things behind the scenes. Every president after Reagan was one of these Deep State criminals and their empire got even stronger. With each bad president came new depths America and the world would sink. The world collapsed into darkness. Do you need me to tell you how? Destroyed factories, declining job numbers, sicker people, opioids, destruction of Iraq, Syria and Yemen with pointless war, displacement of people in Europe, ISIS, terrorism, collapsed governments, poverty and genocide. Total misery.

Do you think that was inevitable? Hell no. Well, here is where things start to take a new turn: when the full picture comes to be known, it will forever be regarded as the greatest story ever told. Well here’s the top line: Some good people still held positions of power. They valued humanity and the rule of law. While the criminals discussed their game plan at the annual Bilderberg meetings, the good guys were making plans of their own. The Information Age was coming to change history forever.

As the internet flooded into every home, and appliances became smarter, and when people started carrying tracking devices, an opportunity to put an end to to criminal control over the world was emerging. We became connected, trackable and surveilled, but so did they. They became dependent — just like we did — on email, SMS and instant communication. It made crime much easier, but it also put them on a grid that, if accessed by the right people, would expose their crimes to the public and end their iron grip on us once and for all. In this new age fo information, it was though that the military should also have its own intelligence agency to focus on cyber crime and espionage. They called this the NSA, the National Security Agency.

The relevance of the NSA in this story cannot be understated; here we had every phone call, email and text from every device, stored and archived. Whether it be someone making a doctor’s appointment, or the Deep State setting up a massive heroin purchase from the Taliban. In the right hands, it would be enough information to expose the entire sinister criminal plot to rob us blind and wipe us out.

Hold that thought — now I need to explain the plan. The good guys were devising a plan to reclaim the world from the Cabal and return it to the people. It would involve alliances with multiple countries, since the criminals had global rat lines, trade and other infrastructure in place that would need their cooperation. It came to two choices for America: launch a military coup to seize the government from whichever Cabal puppet was in the White House at the time, or win legitimately, take control of the NSA, expose the criminals for what they are and arrest them all.

Obviously, the first option would be very troubling for the public. With people still preoccupied with Cabal-engineered social issues, they would likely revolt and hurt themselves and others. No, it would have to be the latter. So they needed a candidate who could win and who could win big. Many states like California had been so heavily inundated by criminals that even the voting machines were electronically set up to swing votes any which way. It would need to be a very decisive victory.

Good patriots in the U.S. military and their global partners asked Trump to run for president so that they could take back control of America legitimately without alarming the public. Trump was a good choice, obviously, because he overcame the voter fraud and won. But he was patriot and he was loved and admired by the public. He was not interested in joining the Cabal, mainly because they hated America and he did not agree with them on that point. As soon as he showed interest in taking power, they activated their media assets to viciously turn on him. That’s when we saw the sudden hatred emerge.

Even when he won, the Cabal still had no idea what he was part of, and the sophisticated plan that was about to unfold against them. Shocked by their loss, they mobilized their full arsenal of intelligence, media, money and technology to try and take back power. Their people at the top of the DOJ then put together a plan to frame Trump and have him impeached. All messages were stored and could be used to expose this plot and prevent Trump’s overthrow. An entire book will be written about the first two year’s of Trump’s presidency, false flag terror attacks, downed planes, missile alerts, assassination attempts.

Here is the point. The world is currently experiencing a dramatic covert war of Biblical proportions, literally the fight for death, between the forces of good and evil. I can’t put it in simpler terms but I can say it appears the good guys are winning. The Cabal had complete control over North Korea. They hijacked the Kim Dynasty, took them hostage and worked to build up a nuclear arsenal to threaten the world. King Jong-Un suddenly embracing peace was simply because the Deep State were beaten and driven out. ISIS was also destroyed in the year following Trump’s win. We are all starting to see the pattern now that enough time has passed. That our biggest global concerns are starting to recede, and peace is returning. It is all evidence that the good guys are winning the war, but we are still in the middle.

While a lot is improving, it still puzzles many that most of these known criminals are still free. Especially the higher ups, like Hillary Clinton, the Bushes and Obama. That is coming in the next chapter of the story. That’s why we have Q. The good guys, with control over the NSA, began the Q intelligence dissemination program to invoke an online grassroots movement that came to be called “The Great Awakening.” It started on underground internet channels and then moved to the main stream.

Q has been a fun distraction for those who follow world events and desire truth, but it is about to begin a much more important and necessary phase: keeping the public informed when the Deep State war breaks out into the surface. By this, I mean high-profile arrests. Yes, folks. The criminals I’m referring to are famous politicians, actors, singers, CEOs and celebrities. People who have earned our trust, respect and admiration. They have done very bad things that are all fully known and documented and they will be severely punished.

Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of upcoming events. We are among the first to realize that our petty partisan divisions are just trivial distractions, and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy. We realize that the problem was never capitalism or socialism, Democrat or Republican, black or white, Muslim or Christian. We know it was just very powerful criminals who had too much power.

Fellow slaves, it’s time to buckle your seatbelt, recognize your true enemy and embrace a new future that we all owe to the brave patriots who risked their lives to achieve victory against the greatest force of evil the world has ever known. [Image] Q, Trust the Plan.



Laura Brown

Media businesswoman and writer of essays. Based in Nashville, TN.