The World of FIRESKY

Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2023

FIRESKY is an epic fantasy adventure that places you at the heart of an eons-old war between the light and dark energies of the cosmos.

Demonic forces roam the land, burning villages and possessing mankind’s greatest leaders and warriors in their wake. The light portals, man’s one true connection to the spirit world, have gone dark. Now darkness reigns.

Only one thing could have caused this. The Demon King and his army have taken control of the spirit world, also known as the Nexus, and are nearing their final goal: complete control of the universe. This is the crisis that awaits you in FIRESKY.

But how did it come to this?

To understand how the world was plunged so far into chaos, we must start at the beginning of time. Before there was anything, there was the Great Spirit, who created the universe.

To safeguard and guide the inhabitants of his new world, the Great Spirit created four Spirit Gods: the Mystic Tiger, Eternal Phoenix, Monkey King, and the Blood Dragon.

Together, the Spirit Gods watched over the inhabitants of the world through four light portals, temperamental instruments that require a balance of light and dark energy to function and act as a gateway to the spirit realm. To maintain their connection to mankind, the Gods selected the best among them to act as Spirit Warriors, brave leaders, and fighters tasked with maintaining the portal’s energy beams and enacting the will of the Gods. And for eons there was peace.

Until the Monkey King and Blood Dragon went to war…

As protector of the light energy of the universe, the Monkey King began to fear the Blood Dragon for infusing the cosmos with dark energy. He saw the danger dark energy presented to mankind, and to the balance of the very universe itself. The Monkey King knew of the Blood Dragon’s dark magic experiments, and how they could be twisted into evil. Tensions grew until finally, the Monkey King and Blood Dragon went to war within the Blood Dragon’s own realm, the Nexus. The war was brief, and the Monkey King quickly came to rule over the Nexus, snuffing out dark energy from the universe. However, the whereabouts of the Blood Dragon, protector of the universe’s dark energy, remained a mystery to the Monkey King. Peace was restored, but the question lingered. What happened to the Blood Dragon?

Eons passed. And there was peace once more. Until one day, the question was finally answered.

Before the Blood Dragon disappeared, he harnessed his dark energy to create a powerful Eldritch entity known only as the Demon King. And while the Monkey King ruled, the Demon King festered, building an army of demonic spawn until the time was right to strike back.

Swift and merciless, the Demon King’s army swept the land, conquering the spirit world and all four light portals. His demonic spawn possessed each of the portal’s Spirit Warriors, severing mankind’s connection to the spirit world and rendering their leaders mindless slaves to his bidding.

It was on his warpath through the Ancient City that the Demon King discovered something he’d never expected. A young girl, known as Keiko, with the power to harness the dark energy of the universe, just like him. Frightened by her power, the Demon King struck down Keiko and her family. With Keiko gone, he placed the once great city and its inhabitants under his spell and returned to his throne of power within the Nexus.

But Keiko was not truly dead. In fact, the Demon King’s attack gifted her an even greater connection to dark energy. Sensing her usefulness, the Eternal Phoenix saved the orphaned girl, raised her as his own, and taught her how to harness and control her dark powers.

It’s with Keiko that your journey through FIRESKY begins, for the time has come for her to accept the mantle of Spirit Warrior, and restore the balance of light and dark energy in the universe. Your goal is simple: to defeat the Demon King’s forces, enter the Nexus, and avenge your fallen family.

