Step-by-Step Guide to Running a CARV Node

Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2024

Step 1: Get a VPS

To run the CARV node, first acquire a VPS, typically costing around $6 per month. Otherwise, you will need to keep your computer running all day.

Hardware Requirements


  • CPU: 1+ cores
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Internet: 4 MBit/sec download speed


  • CPU: 2+ cores
  • RAM: 4GB+
  • Internet: 8+ MBit/sec download speed

Step 2: Install Golang

The verifier is written in Golang. Before you start, ensure Golang is installed correctly.

  1. Update your package lists:
sudo apt update

2. Install Golang:

sudo apt install golang

3. Verify the installation:

go version

Step 3: Clone and Build the Verifier Code

The verifier code is open source and currently in development. Follow these steps to clone the GitHub repository and build the source:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd verifier

2. Checkout the appropriate branch:

git checkout verifier-alphanet

3. Build the verifier:

make build

After executing make build or make all, the verifier executable will be compiled into the ./bin directory.

4. Switch to the ./bin directory:

cd bin

Step 4: Create a Burn Wallet and Delegate Your License Key

Before proceeding, create a burn wallet and delegate your License Key to that wallet.

  1. Create a burn wallet.
  2. Delegate your License Key:

This step is essential for the correct operation of the verifier.

Step 5: Run the Verifier

Execute the verifier with the following command:

./verifier -private-key <Your Private Key> -reward-address <Your Reward Address> -commission-rate <Your Commission Rate>
  • Your Private Key: Private key of your burn wallet (DO NOT SHARE)
  • Your Reward Address: Your main wallet address
  • Your Commission Rate: Set between 0–100 (0 means no commission, 100 means full commission)

Alternative Options:

  • Docker
  • Desktop App

Step 6: Verify Your Node is Active

Check that your node is active by finding your burn wallet address here.

Why Run a Node?

Running a node comes with rewards and benefits, enhancing your involvement in the CARV network.

Visual Guide

Prefer a visual guide? A community member has created one for better understanding. Check it out for a step-by-step visual walkthrough.

CARV Node on Linux VPS
This guide is generated by our community. Please conduct your own research as needed to ensure accuracy and suitability for your specific requirements.

Alternative: Delegate Your Node

If maintaining a node is too complex or costly, consider delegating it. You can delegate it to ArgonZ (or to any of your friends) at 0x1f113570657Bc9527d3511cAb8359f6303A00f6B.

  1. Delegate Your License: If you know the address of the Verifier Node you’d like to delegate to, click ‘Delegate My License’.
  2. Enter the Address: Enter the address of the Verifier.
  3. Confirm and Sign: Confirm the delegate address and sign the transaction in your wallet. Note that you need to pay for the gas for this transaction.
  4. Revoke or Change Delegation: If you’d like to revoke your delegation or delegate to someone else, you can do so in the Manage section by choosing Revoke delegation or Delegate to another verifier.

More info about delegate here.



