9 Ways to Tell Your Brand Story in 2019

The Fireworks Journal
3 min readJan 8, 2019

With the world becoming a global village via the help of digital media, it is imperative that any business or company that intends to be successful in 2019 will have to imbibe brand storytelling to meet its business goals and objectives. Having a great product is not just enough but a compelling story will help sell your brand.

2019 is upon us and various companies have set out rolling in order to accomplish their goals as well as sell their products and services for the year. In order to achieve that, we have doled out some tips to make your Brand Storytelling for this year more engaging and compelling for your business/company.

1. Know Your Audience

While creating content for your company, it is imperative to know who you are talking to as this will make you precise in your content creation. Make your audience enjoy your content and leave them with longing to want more. It will also do you good if you can make your consumers part of your story.

2. Use Catchy Titles

Your audience will most like be captivated by your content’s title before they go through your content, therefore, it is mostly advisable to keep it short and catchy.

3. Be Creative and Educational in Content Development

Do not fall into the trap of using just one method of content creation or development. It is important to use every tool you can lay your hands on, be it writing, audio, or visual tools as this will help improve your brand storytelling. Also make your contents educational; let your audience not just get informed but educated. This can be achieved by quizzes, fun facts and other creative educational resource that your brand can engage her audience with.

4. Remember That You’re Human

As you tell your story, remember to be authentic and human. You can talk about your company’s history, showcase your office/workspaces and so on. People want to connect not just to your organisation but to your individuality on an emotional level.

5. Include Your Audience In Your Storytelling

People love and will be interested in things that is about them. Therefore, as your brand tells her story, try and involve your customers by sharing feedbacks and their journey in your company’s vision and purpose. Learn to see things from your consumers’ point of view and in turn improve your storytelling.

6. Consistency is Key

While telling your brand’s story, remember to be consistent in whatever you are selling to your consumers without neglecting the vision and core values of your company. You may not take note but your audience will know when you have deviated from connecting with them.

7. Stay in Trend

Inasmuch as your company has specific channels it can use to reach out to her consumers, be flexible and considerate of your consumers in your approach, as employing more channels especially using technological tools will help connect you to your consumers and audience but take note of maintaining your originality as you employ stay in trend.

8. Keep It Simple

As you engage in brand storytelling this year, remember to keep it simple. Even within B2B community storytelling, keeping your story simple yet informative, educative and compelling will drive your story faster and in more effectively than when it is complex. Companies like Virgin and Apple maintain simplicity as the foundation of their brand storytelling.

9. Be Proud of Your Story

While telling your story, remember to be proud of it because your consumer will only be proud of your story the level at which you are proud of it as this will encourage consumer loyalty. The goal of every brand storytelling should not just to tell your story but for your audience to help ‘spread the word’.

Fireworks’ vision is to create meaningful experiences by combining storytelling and technology, spreading truth and love. Does your brand need a website, social media management, creative photography/videography? Shoot us an email hello@fireworks.com.ng or visit our website www.fireworks.com.ng



The Fireworks Journal

A creative media company based in Abuja, Nigeria that combines storytelling and technology to create meaningful experiences for brands and businesses