Goodbye Product. Hello Movement.

Video: Crafting a strategic narrative that powers B2B growth

Andy Raskin
Firm Narrative


The best B2B SaaS companies feel less like they’re selling a product and more like they’re evangelizing a movement.

Think Gong’s “Goodbye opinions, Hello reality,” Zuora’s “subscription economy,” or the OG, Salesforce’s “End of Software.”

The beating heart of these companies’ go-to-market identities is a simple story that I call a strategic narrative.

In this video, I share 5 principles for how you structure a movement-defining narrative like that — and what makes it so powerful. With examples from Gong, OneTrust, Foxglove and others.

“Goodbye product” does *not* mean your product is unimportant. It does *not* mean you don’t talk about features, speeds and feeds.

It means don’t start there.

This is the talk I gave at Pavilion’s GTM 2023 and got lots of requests to share, re-recorded at my desk :)



Andy Raskin
Firm Narrative

Helping leaders tell strategic stories. Ex @skype @mashery @timeinc