Colosseum Testnet Progress Update (Week 1 & 2)

Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2021

Hello. This is FirmaChain.

Our Colosseum Testnet that started in November is in its 3rd week of testing. Thanks to the active participation of our validators, which by the way completely surpassed our expectation, the stability of the network and the level of completion of FirmaChain has been greatly enhanced.

Currently, through the FirmaChain team’s discord channel, the team and the validators are freely communicating on issues such as governance proposals, comments on possible rooms for improvement, bug reports and surveys.

Since our validator pool consists of teams and individuals from all over the world, we’ve initially had concerns over issues on time differences and language barriers between the validators. However, despite our concerns, the testnet phase is sailing smoothly with over 80% participation rate shown amongst the validators.

The key results of the testnet phase include, conducting stress tests, parameter revision through proposal, bug fixes on Firma Station and proposal request and Firma Station Desktop App release.

Henceforth, in this posting, we will provide some more detail on the major updates and changes.

▶ Stress Tests

During the Colosseum testnet phase, the FirmaChain team handed out a test app to conduct stress tests of the network. The test app creates transactions that will be used on FirmaChain’s e-contract solution and the results of the transaction are recorded on a separate log file.

Results of the test app are as follows.

  • One time running of the test app creates about 150 transactions
  • Cumulative Transaction: 61,395 transactions (Based on December 6th data)

Validators are sharing the log files everyday and are showing 85% participation rate as of the 2nd week of the testnet phase. Additionally, simultaneous stress tests by all validators will soon be conducted.

Through the aforementioned process, the stability of the FirmaChain network will be greatly enhanced.

▶ Proposal Test and Process Check

On the 29th of November, a new proposal on changing the [Voting Period] was registered.

  • Voting Period Parameter : 2 days -> 1 day

Following are the reasons for change.

  • Need to expedite the test scenario verification process during the Colosseum testnet phase
  • Need to check the process of registering and voting on a proposal (proposal > consensus/vote > parameter revision)

With up to 90% of the validators voting on the proposal the FirmaChain team was able to successfully check the governance proposal pool process as well as successfully change the aforementioned parameter during the voting period.

▶ Firma Station Web Test

With the start of the Colosseum testnet, the web version of Firma Station was handed out to the validators.

Our experienced validator pool provided the FirmaChain team with a number of feedback on issues such as proposals, bug fixes, UI/UX improvement etc. The agile response of the FirmaChain team, combined with the active testing of the validators, is improving Firma Station by the day.

Following is a list of revisions applied on Firma Station.

  • Addition of wallet address QR code and UI/UX improvement
  • Addition of Wallet Setting feature
  • Line alignment of Voting Parameters and Voting Status visibility improvement
  • Governance related UI/UX modification (Added icons, modified placement, added color scheme etc.)
  • Bug fix and minor labelling changes

Despite the relatively short time period of 2 weeks, the FirmaChain team has made a lot of progress thanks to the avid support of our validators. Even now, a lot of ideas are being discussed through the discord channel and therefore the FirmaChain team expects to unveil a stable and high quality Firma Station when revealing Augustus.

▶ Release of the Firma Station Desktop App

On the 3rd of December, the beta version of the Firma Station Desktop App was released to the validators.

Feature wise, the app itself is similar to the Firma Station Web App distributed in the first week, but is different in that it provides a safer transaction environment depending on the security level of the running party’s OS (Windows / Mac / Linux).

Through the discord channel, the FirmaChain team is receiving bug reports and improvement proposals and is actively working on fixing existing problems.

The release of the official version is scheduled after the release of Augustus.

The Colosseum testnet is on its way to success thanks to our passionate validators and the FirmaChain team’s agile response.

All of the above can be seen on the Colosseum Explorer.

[Colosseum Explorer]

[Colosseum Web Wallet — Developer Version]

We will do our very best to successfully wrap up the Colosseum testnet and continue to meet our investors with a new Augustus.

Thank you.

For more information about FirmaChain, or partnership inquiries, please contact us at Those who wish to join the FirmaChain team, please contact us at

About FirmaChain

FirmaChain seeks to replace all written contracts governing social and legal issues by using an electronic contract platform based on FirmaChain’s data blockchain. Since traditional written and electronic documents are easy to forge, and the verification procedures are complicated, blockchain’s decentralization is used to solve the problem. FirmaChain can check the contract’s validity through its hash function, which can be verified in an independent node. This verification process can be used as a means to resolve legal disputes. Blockchain is an effective technology that eliminates the risk of forgery of such documents, and it is applied to the first DApp (decentralized application) of FirmaChain — DONUE.

