FIRMACHAIN’s Testnet(Imperium-4) Upgrade

Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2022

Hello. This is FIRMACHAIN.

We have recently completed our testnet Imperium-4 upgrade.

Testnet is the final testing stage before the mainnet upgrade. Testnet upgrade mainly entails the testing of upgraded features and the overall stability of the system. Once sufficient rounds of testing are completed on the testnet, we apply the upgrades to the mainnet.

Specifically, through this testnet upgrade, FIRMACHAIN will start supporting the official version of CosmWasm, enable IBC, conduct version upgrade on both the Cosmos SDK and the Tendermint consensus algorithm and fix the minimum commission rate for all Validators at 5%.

Most Recent Build Information (FirmaChain v0.3.5-alpha4)

▶ Cosmos SDK v0.45.9

▶ Tendermint v0.34.21

▶ IBC v3.3.0 — Wasmd v0.29.1 (CosmWasm)

The initial rounds of testing regarding the upgrade are as follows and all of the pre-testing rounds have been conducted successfully.

▶Set up a testnet that is identical to the current mainnet version

  • Mainnet Version: v0.3.3
  • Record mass test transactions (To verify the data compatibility post-upgrade)
  • Register Proposal: Enable IBC
  • Run binary patch: v0.3.3-patch

▶ Upgrade to the most recent chain binary version

  • Register Proposal: v0.3.3 to v0.3.5
  • Service Update: FirmaChain Block Explorer, Firma Station
    * Update due to certain logic changes in data search

▶ Set up IBC chain

  • Verify the transfer of crypto assets between networks built on different versions of the Cosmos SDK

▶ Create IBC channel service (Hermes)

  • With the release of the official Hermes v1.0, system settings are built based on the relevant features
    *Hermes related information (

▶ Feature tests

  • Check the fixing of minimum Validator commission rate at 5%
  • Check whether CosmWasm functions properly
  • Check the compatibility of data recorded in the previous version of the mainnet and check the functioning of the Firma Station, the FirmaChain Block Explorer and the Faucet service

Furthermore, we have developed a CosmWasm testing tool service for developers on the Imperium-4 testnet. Following is the link for the testing tool.

CosmWasm contract service

Once we complete the testing of the aforementioned upgrades on Imperium-4, we will register a governance proposal to apply the upgrades to our mainnet. The proposal will be voted on and the results of the voting will be applied to FIRMACHAIN’s mainnet accordingly. With the CosmWasm support, we expect to host a slew of smart contract based DApps.

Please stay posted on FIRMACHAIN’s next steps as a ‘Utilitainment’ platform.

Thank you.

For more information about FIRMACHAIN, or partnership inquiries, please contact us at Those who wish to join the FIRMACHAIN team, please contact us at


FIRMACHAIN originally aimed to transfer all paper based social and legal activities onto the blockchain to introduce transparency and prevent document tampering and forgery. Maintaining the fundamental value of trust, the FIRMACHAIN team is now turning its gaze to becoming a comprehensive blockchain platform. Our goal is to provide business entities and FIRMACHAIN holders with useful blockchain based services that are useful yet fun to engage with thereby satisfying the team’s goal to become a ‘Utilitainment’ (Utility + Entertainment) platform.

