[Notice] FirmaChain x Xangle Partnership

Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2020

Greetings from the FirmaChain (FCT) team.

Information on FirmaChain (FCT) has been officially registered on blockchain disclosure platform Xangle.

Introduction of Xangle

Xangle is a disclosure platform that provides information on cryptocurrency exchanges and blockchain companies. Xangle provides information under similar financial regulations that are used by DART and EDGAR. Information on the off-chain such as business progress, financial statements are provided as well as blockchain transactions on the on-chain to further develop the industry’s transparency.

Through this partnership, FirmaChain (FCT) will provide investors and cryptocurrency exchanges with accurate information to further develop a healthy ecosystem.

Information on FirmaChain (FCT) can be accessed from the link below.

About FirmaChain

FirmaChain is an electronic contract and decentralized data storage platform that utilizes blockchain technology to prevent forgery, efficiently solving all of the limits of current electronic contract services. Through FirmaChain’s electronic contract service “Duite”, negotiations, transactions and editing history can be safely recorded without the contractors needing to meet in person. In addition, in the decentralized data storage of FirmaChain, miners and users can contract to store a certain file. The user transmits the file to be saved to the miner, and when the file transfer is completed, the miner encrypts the file and then copies, encrypts the file. Proof of file storage is then recorded on to the blockchain.

For more information about FirmaChain, or to join our team, please contact us at info@firmachain.org.

