Example 2A: Medium Format — Listicle

150+ Business Data Science Application in Python

Derek Snow
10 min readJul 25, 2019

This article can help companies understand, not just what data science can do for them, them, but what they can do for data science.

There is a fun game I recommend you adopt when you find corporate-speak insufferable. You take every hackneyed question, turn it on its head and throw it back at whatever suit might be addressing you. It is not essential that you know the topic at hand — so I thought.

A question that popped up at our company from around January was, what can data science do for us? Apart from smelling like suits and slides, I thought that a more addressable question lies within its inverse. Turning the question around I asked, what can our company do for data science? One might think that questioning the questioner is good intellectual fun, but I have come to see more hotheadedness than one might experience in a Tarantino movie. I do, for the most part, believe I can abdicate responsibility for this hotheadedness; any reasonable observer can find the cause in flamboyantly decorated nooses tightly strapped around blood-restricted necks. Plausible deniability aside, once these corporate emperors and empresses settle down, they repeat in unison, “what even is data science?” At this moment, I stalled; they caught up to my rhetoric; they found a way to go even deeper than me. I guess I would have to answer. This forced me to put my poetic senior data science title aside and slide down my unmitigatedly, arrogant horse.

At this point, everyone is miserable.

We were nearing the end of the meeting, and as it generally goes, nothing has been achieved; no stones have been turned and no feathers have been left unruffled. This normally meant it was time for the sacrificial silence. And yup, this time it would be directed at me. A silence broke out (a well-positioned pause designed to send shivers down the spine of the bravest among us). It lasted about half a minute with nothing but the smell of cortisol to keep me company. As I confess to my misgivings by bowing my head for the allotted time, an idea suddenly came to me. Good! Just at the right time too, as I seriously considered sliding under the Olympic-pool sized boardroom table and out of the room. I grabbed Greg the half-paid intern at the shoulder and asked nicely with newfound confidence, “Greg can you please plug this computer into the HDMI port and give me the sticky thingy”. I held my head high as I strut towards the over-sized screen. At each step, I try to recall the page I bookmarked a few months ago, the page that I think can save the moment — and a reputation.

As I walk towards the screen, I get distracted by the disturbing reflection of all the predatory eyes fixed on my back, silently waiting to pounce on me if I show any sign of weakness. I turned to face Greg, and I can see some serious sweat dripping down his nose. All I could think was “keep your back straight, don’t show your frailty, Gregory, I trust you“. After multiple attempts at connecting the laptop to the screen, I can see mister laissez-faire’s eye twitching with indelible delight sneering at the failings of poor Gregory and me. All of this excites him a bit too much. One can’t blame him, being used to larded presentations with needless persuasive adjectives and all of that. He can’t contain his smile and his smile can’t contain his thoughts. For mister laissez-faire there is nothing better than a bit of corporate theater. I felt the need to get the grimace off his face, “hey mister laissez-faire, do you perhaps know how to or can you help Gregory plug in the HDMI port”. As if she was waiting the question in, misses hr took on a strange confirmatory pose. She seems to be agreeing with herself with ever-increasing nods. You can almost see her holding back a whisper, “it was Allison that hired the intern, I had nothing to do with it”.

Eventually, as a team, Mr laissez-faire and Gregory got the screen working, and all predatory eyes quickly faded away into millions of pixels. Finally, the link hit me like a hurricane. I pulled my shirt down and straightened my noose before I presented them with a GitHub link of more than 150+ data science applications to help run a business’s administrative processes.

And I started: “This link can help companies not just understand what data science can do for our company but also how our company can contribute to data science community.” In this article, I will present a curated list of these applied business machine learning (BML) and business data science (BDS) examples and libraries that I delivered in that presentation. The code is in Python (primarily using Jupyter Notebooks) unless otherwise stated.

GitHub: github.com/firmai/business-machine-learning


Machine Learning


  • Forensic Accounting — Collection of case studies on forensic accounting using data analysis. On the lookout for more data to practise forensic accounting, please get in touch
  • General Ledger (FirmAI) — Data processing over a general ledger as exported through an accounting system.
  • Bullet Graph (FirmAI) — Bullet graph visualisation helpful for tracking sales, commission and other performance.
  • Aged Debtors (FirmAI) — Example analysis to invetigate aged debtors.
  • Automated FS XBRL — XML Language, however, possibly port analysis into Python.

Textual Analysis

Data, Parsing and APIs

Research And Articles

  • Understanding Accounting Analytics — An article that tackles the importance of accounting analytics.
  • VLFeat — VLFeat is an open and portable library of computer vision algorithms, which has Matlab toolbox.


  • Rutgers Raw — Good digital accounting research from Rutgers.



Lifetime Value

  • Pareto/NBD Model — Calculate the CLV using a Pareto/NBD model.
  • Gamma-Gamma Model — Using deep-learning frameworks to identify accounting anomalies.
  • Cohort Analysis — Cohort analysis to group customers into mutually exclusive cohorts measured over time.


  • E-commerce — E-commerce customer segmentation.
  • Groceries — Segmentation for grocery customers.
  • Online Retailer — Online retailer segmentation.
  • Bank — Bank customer segmentation.
  • Wholesale — Clustering of wholesale customers.
  • Various — Multiple types of segmentation and clustering techniques.


  • RNN — Investigating customer behaviour over time with sequential analysis using an RNN model.
  • Neural Net — Demand forecasting using artificial neural networks.
  • Temporal Analytics — Investigating customer temporal regularities.
  • POS Analytics — Analytics driven customer behaviour ranking for retail promotions using POS data.
  • Wholesale Customer — Wholesale customer exploratory data analysis.
  • RFM — Doing a RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis.
  • Returns Behaviour — Predicting total returns and fraudulent returns.
  • Visits — Predicting which day of week a customer will visit.
  • Bank: Next Purchase — A project to predict bank customers’ most probable next purchase.
  • Bank: Customer Prediction — Predicting Target customers who will subscribe the new policy of the bank.
  • Next Purchase — Predict a customers’ next purchase also using feature engineering.
  • Customer Purchase Repeats — Using the lifetimes python library and real jewellery retailer data analyse customer repeat purchases.
  • AB Testing — Find the best KPI and do A/B testing.
  • Customer Survey (FirmAI) — Example of parsing and analysing a customer survey.
  • Happiness — Analysing customer happiness from hotel stays using reviews.
  • Miscellaneous Customer Analytics — Various tools and techniques for customer analysis.


Churn Prediction

  • Ride Sharing — Identify customer churn rates in order to target customers for retention campaigns.
  • KKDBox I — Variational deep autoencoder to predict churn customer
  • KKDBox II — A three step customer churn prediction framework using feature engineering.
  • Personal Finance — Predict customer subscription churn for a personal finance business.
  • ANN — Churn analysis using artificial neural networks.
  • Bike — Customer bike churn analysis.
  • Cost Sensitive — Cost sensitive churn analysis drivenby economic performance.










Policy and Regulatory

Judicial Applied



  • Topic Model Reviews — Amazon reviews for product development.
  • Patents — Forecasting strategy using patents.
  • Networks — Business categories from Yelp reviews using networks can help to identify pockets of demand.
  • Company Clustering — Hierarchical clusters and topics from companies by extracting information from their descriptions on their websites
  • Marketing Management — Programmatic marketing management.

Decision Optimisation

Casual Inference


  • Various — Various applies statistical solutions


  • Applied RL — Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making tutorials explained at an intuitive level and with Jupyter Notebooks
  • Process Mining — Leveraging A-priori Knowledge in Predictive Business Process Monitoring
  • TS Forecasting — Time series forecasting for important business applications.


  • Web Scraping (FirmAI) — Web scraping solutions for Facebook, Glassdoor, Instagram, Morningstar, Similarweb, Yelp, Spyfu, Linkedin, Angellist.


Failure and Anomalies

Load and Capacity Management

Prediction Management

