45% of Ethereum Smart Contracts are Vulnerable

Firmo Network
Firmo Network
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2018

A group of researchers from the University of Singapore released a paper showing that 44% of Ethereum contracts are vulnerable. At the time of the paper’s publishing in June 2016, they analyzed the 19,366 existing onthe Ethereum system and found that 8,833 contracts (around $62 million) were flagged as buggy by their tool, OYENTE. Such vulnerabilities were also popularized by the well-known DAO and Parity Wallet hacks.

The paper documents several classes of security bugs in Ethereum smart contracts, specifically transaction-ordering dependence, timestamp dependence, and mishandled expectations. We outline each briefly below:

  • Transactions-ordering dependence (TOD) bug was found in 15.8% of smart contracts on Ethereum. This happens when the user of a smart contract assumes a particular state of a contract, which may not exist when his transaction is processed potentially leading to malicious behavior.
  • Timestamp dependence bug arises from the imperfect understanding of timekeeping in smart contracts.
  • Mishandling expectations bug is also known as the Unchecked Send. In contracts that suffer from this bug, it is possible for an attacker to elicit unexpected behavior from a contract by calling it from a carefully constructed call-stack.

In a follow up blog post, paper author Hrishi Olickel stressed that contracts need to be secured before they are created “even at the cost of a delayed and more expensive deployment.” Researchers also note that a better understanding and characterization of smart contract vulnerabilities is necessary.

Firmo Network utilizes a formally, verified programming language to securely deploy smart contracts on the blockchain. Such technology aims to mitigate the current vulnerabilities of Ethereum by bypassing Solidity and compiling directly to the blockchain.

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Firmo Network
Firmo Network

Firmo is building the standard for derivatives to be securely executed on any major blockchain.