Who runs Firmo’s Community Operations? Interview with Analisa Winther

Analisa runs Community Operations at Firmo. When she is not representing and interacting with Firmo’s community online and offline, you will find her wandering around in search of good food experiences. She sat down with us to share a little bit more about who she is and how she got involved with Firmo.

Firmo Network
Firmo Network
3 min readMay 1, 2018


Where are you from?
I was born in New York City and grew up in the States. My dad is Danish and my mom is American. I have also lived in Chile and Hong Kong. I went to Copenhagen to take my bachelor’s and master’s and have been there ever since!

Why did you decide to join Firmo?
Firmo is building critical infrastructure for the crypto economy. When you dig into the potential of the platform technology, you begin to see how many applications there are. Derivatives make up 1/7 of the world’s economy, but are not yet available in the crypto space.At the same time, there are serious security issues around smart contracts. 45% of smart contracts are vulnerable to being hacked, which is an insane thing to think about. Firmo provides an unmatched degree of security for conducting transactions on any blockchain while simultaneously opening up a new market. And, the crazy thing is that this is just the beginning. Firmo could also be used peer-to-peer lending, prediction markets, and more. It’s a very exciting company to be a part of.

Analisa visiting the team in Tel Aviv having lunch at a local hot spot called Ha’Achim.

How did you find out about Firmo?
Like many of life’s best recommendations, I found out about Firmo through word of mouth. Lasse, Firmo’s amazing Head of Design, let me know they were looking for someone with my background. A day or two later, I met the CEO Omri Ross for a coffee. We spoke for a long time and I was totally blown away. I joined the company two weeks later.

What were you doing before Firmo?
Before Firmo, I was the Director of Community and Entrepreneurship at SingularityU Nordic. SingularityU Nordic is a part of Singularity University — a global learning and innovation community started by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis. They focus on using exponential technologies to tackle the world’s global grand challenges. I was part of the founding team that launched and established operations in the Nordics. It gave me an amazing introduction and education to many accelerating technologies including blockchain. Before that, I was the program manager of an early stage startup accelerator.

A conference meeting between a few of the Firmo team members joining from Tel Aviv, Berlin, and Copenhagen.

What do you think of the blockchain community?
The blockchain community is unlike any other I have seen. Many traits are reminiscent of the best innovation communities in history. I see it as digital, global, open, but also intimate. Blockchain technology is still in an early stage and there is a lot of work to be done. My experience is that other players in the industry are very open to helping each other and committed to working together. It’s really beautiful.

What is Firmo’s community about?
The Firmo team is made up of a lot of academics and technologists who have been contributing to the blockchain space since the early days. Their experience definitely shapes the values and the tone of the community. Take the Firmo Telegram group, it’s like a 24/7 digital conference on the future of smart contracts. We often have discussions focused on tech, finance, and problems that need to be solved for the industry to move forward. We are also very open to collaborating and helping others.

Join the conversation! Chat with Analisa directly, ask questions, and comment in the Firmo Telegram Community group.



Firmo Network
Firmo Network

Firmo is building the standard for derivatives to be securely executed on any major blockchain.