How To Fix Misalignment During Digital Transformation

Tim Harris
6 min readJan 16, 2020

An action plan to help businesses stay aligned throughout a digital sales transformation initiative.

In a perfect world, organizational alignment would exist between Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success teams, and they would operate in solidarity as a unified powerhouse for collective success. Each team’s activities would harmoniously blend to form a cohesive unit that is greater than the sum of its parts. But in reality, this is often far from the case. Siloed teams are a common corporate pain point, and this organizational misalignment leads to dissonant outputs that can inhibit sales and damage customer experience.

When departments are out of sync, this directly impacts the bottom line. Organizational misalignment between sales and marketing technologies/processes costs B2B organizations at least 10% of their annual revenue. Overcoming misalignment is imperative, but it can be challenging and this is especially true when your company is undergoing a digital transformation.

In today’s B2B sales landscape, digital transformation has progressed from a nice-to-have to a must-have. But as companies adopt new technologies and processes, misalignment between teams can present a significant hurdle. To navigate this challenge, we’ve created…

