One grey morning

A chapter from The First Boy on the Moon

CJ Malmsten
The First Boy on the Moon
1 min readDec 23, 2016


Everywhere was grey, even the snow on the grounds. It mirrored the grey skies. Around circled bodies dressed in black. Any sound silenced by the heavy snow that covered their dragging feet. The bells rang and the boy looked up on the swaying bell, rocking heavily back and forth. He looked to the massive doors that were being opened for them to enter. In the silence, between the bells’ rhythmic chimes, gravity formed, forcing him forward. Pass the dark crowd, at the end, under massive stone walls and ceilings, between drab bodies of thick woollen clothes and craned necks he could see a mountain of burning red roses. His throat was aching, in his chest a lump was beginning to take shape.

The First Boy on the Moon chapters were written over the last couple of years. I thought it was time to share them. They can all be read as standalone pieces or as a short story. I will share one chapter every Friday.

