— photography by KMSharp

Bangkok: Morning Reflection

KM Sharp
TravelArtistsHub: Artists Who Travel
3 min readFeb 27, 2018


After a long night of drinking

So much more than I ever do

But I am determined to be different

in my habits from now on —

Drinks filled with

pomegranate + starfruit + vodka

Tasted so sweet on my jetlagged tongue

smiles + laughter shared

the 4 of us

under the rose apple tree

as bats flittered by chaotically

and a toad hopped on cobblestone

The glow of the light blue pool reflected

the evening damp patio where we sat

Under a green umbrella

rain water dripped from edges

upon my bare shoulders

Many hours later

when the rain stopped

and the birds went silent

We wandered out of the courtyard

Through the garden gate

down an alley

on to the street

to visit a food cart with 8 tables

owned by a man, his wife and son

In woks they threw fresh

squid + clams + pork

tofu + veggies + noodles

With each new dish the oil splattered

creating fires that leapt

so high

flames licked and ran across

the umbrella of the Chef’s stand

Onlookers dodged the flames

and his wife startled

burst out laughing

as the fire singed the last of her

lashes + brows + bangs

We seated ourselves and dined

on what I can only describe

as one of the best meals

I’ve ever had


stuffed + thankful

We walked home to sit on

couches + bean bags + a chez lounge

listened to old vinyl records

and a melodic lullaby of our host playing

Indian + US country inspired guitar

the plucked strings sent us off to sleep

In the guest room

we crawled into our bed

knowing the time change would cause difficulties

But never imagined we would awaken at 5am

longing for one another

We made love

as the Burmese puppets

smiled + stared

and a sacred wood carving of

the God of Fertility

enchanted the room

Dawn began to show her face shortly after

we fell back into the sheets with sighs of relief

loves kiss placed on

lips + hands + napes

Then back to slumber

only to be shortly awakened again by music of

Thai farmers marching streets

shouts + drum beats

as they headed towards the King’s palace

All brought on by a foreign visitor

the US President wanting to talk Corporate deals

From my bedroom window balcony

Tibetan prayer flags strewn wisping

butterflies + birds flew

landed on rooftops

and settled into trees

KM Sharp is a poet, writer, MSW, activist, producer and photographer originally from Saint Louis, Missouri, moved to Los Angeles, California and now lives as a digital nomad traveling and exploring the world. She received a BA in Communications from University of Colorado and a MSW from Saint Louis University. KM studied under the renowned Welsh-American poet, bard and scholar Jon Dressel and co-produces the monthly literary and music show Poems, Prose and Pints. She has performed in shows and events nationally and internationally and her poetry and writings appear in various publications and anthologies. KM is the author of two ebooks, I Become One and Heirs of November. Check out her new travel blog/publication Travel Artists Hub.

