Nearly Departed

KM Sharp
TravelArtistsHub: Artists Who Travel
2 min readOct 14, 2017
— photography by R Bram Silvey

Last night we finished packing

and dispersing our belongings to family

My hands are chapped

fingertips raw + tender from moving

All of our worldly belongings stored

I am promising myself not to unpack —

not for many years

I also picked up the cremation boxes of

our departed animal family

and stored their remains at my nephew’s house

He kept joking that our bags felt heavy

like filled with dead bodies

as we dragged them into his basement

Then I showed him the boxes of ash

and he burst out laughing

We had a wonderful last dinner —

With our family surrounding us

I sat and listened to their entertaining

banter + laughter + sarcasm

and suddenly became peaceful knowing

I would be parting in the morning

Heading for a new life

that has no past or future

After we boarded the airplane

stuffed our backpacks into the overhead

and settled into our Exit row seats

He opened the SkyMall magazine

full of kitsch for sale

and found a black box to purchase

that says when opened

Looking good Bob

You sure are sexy Bob

You’re the man Bob

a personalized BOB ice tray

and a t-shirt that says

Of course I’m right


I grabbed his arm and said

“What if we really are in the Matrix

and you open a magazine & see this…”

And he replied


KM Sharp is a poet, writer, MSW, activist, producer and photographer originally from Saint Louis, Missouri, moved to Los Angeles, California and now lives as a digital nomad traveling and exploring the world. She received a BA in Communications from University of Colorado and a MSW from Saint Louis University. KM studied under the renowned Welsh-American poet, bard and scholar Jon Dressel and co-produces a monthly literary and music show called Poems, Prose and Pints at Dressel’s Public House. She has performed in shows and events nationally and internationally and her poetry and writings appear in various publications and anthologies. KM is the author of two ebooks, I Become One and Heirs of November.

