
KM Sharp
TravelArtistsHub: Artists Who Travel
2 min readOct 13, 2017
— photography by KM Sharp

He pulled out the last of the roots

which had grown deep in city soil

Our house

no longer ours

My clothes

draped on another woman’s body

My bed

now someone else’s mattress

He pulled the roots with such force

I could feel the pain

separating from the Earth

My muscles ached and my eyes winced

the last of fear dripped from my tear ducts

Carefully he gathered me in his hands

my roots tangled around me like a nest

placed me into a container

with the other goods

Then we departed

destined for


KM Sharp is a poet, writer, MSW, activist, producer and photographer originally from Saint Louis, Missouri, moved to Los Angeles, California and now lives as a digital nomad traveling and exploring the world. She received a BA in Communications from University of Colorado and a MSW from Saint Louis University. KM studied under the renowned Welsh-American poet, bard and scholar Jon Dressel and co-produces the monthly literary and music show Poems, Prose and Pints. She has performed in shows and events nationally and internationally and her poetry and writings appear in various publications and anthologies. KM is the author of two ebooks, I Become One and Heirs of November. Check out her new travel blog/publication Travel Artists Hub.

