Life Hacks Revealed: The College Mom

London Renee Ivey
First Comes Baby, Then Comes Diploma
3 min readJul 20, 2015
Photo Credit: The Daily Mail

As a college mom, one usually faces several daily obstacles. These problems may range from scheduling complications between work and school to family meal planning and all the studying problems in between. Here is a list of things every college mother must know.

1. Learn to multitask.

Sometimes parenting means you must have more than one set of hands, eyes, and ears. Master the art of making flashcards while catching up on your prime time shows or studying while folding laundry. Your schedule will thank you.

2. Utilize breaks at school for homework.

While it may be tempting to waste that 45 minutes in between classes by socializing in the café, using the time to get ahead on homework will save you a lot of headache in the end. After all, you can find out the latest gossip on social media.

3. Alternate school days and work days when possible.

Although this is not always possible, it can save you from burn out down the road, and it makes switching back and forth from student to employee to mommy so much smoother.

4. Keep baby wipes in your purse at all times.

You never know when a pen might leak or a nose will start to run. Be prepared.

5. Perfect the power nap.

Napping boosts creativity and zaps stress, so go ahead and catch those fifteen minutes worth of ZZzzzz.

6. Schedule “Me Time”.

With a hectic schedule, it is easy to lose sight of one’s self. Schedule out the entire day making sure to set aside a time at least once a week to do something you love. Parenting isn’t a prison sentence and neither is college.

7. Teach responsibility early.

Teaching your toddler life skills now will not only lighten your load, but it will also make for a more productive student and young adult done the road. Give young children small responsibilities like picking up all their toys or straightening their shoes in the closet. You will be grateful for it down the road.Not to mention, it is a great way to spend quality time with your child.

8. Compose a group in your phone for everyone in your support system.

This way, if something should happen while one is in class, only one message needs to be sent, and all can correspond simultaneously.

9. Use lists daily.

Checklists help one keep track of the tasks that need to be completed each day. Who doesn’t love a checklist?

10. Record class lectures and listen to them in your downtime.

Again, multitask. Listen to them at 2x the speed for fast paced studying.

11. Do laundry daily.

Nothing is worse than waking up late only to realize that the baby has no clean onesies. Keep laundry moving to keep all other chores flowing smoothly (even if they never get folded). Use hangers when clothes are freshly dried to eliminate the need for ironing.

12. Plan meals at least a week in advance.

This will save you a hectic afternoon of shopping and food preparation. When in doubt, everyone loves pizza.

13. Set a specific time to check social sites and emails.

It is easy to get sidetracked by technology, and setting a specific time helps one stay on track.



London Renee Ivey
First Comes Baby, Then Comes Diploma

A Communications student, full time employee, and mother of three who loves words far too fondly.