Candid Chat with Hemal Dedhia on Parenting

Sid Jain
First Crayon
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2019
Note: For representation only

Hemal Dedhia, a mother from Dadar West, shares her experience with First Crayon ( of finding her children’s first school.

How did you decide at what age to send your child to their first school?

At home, she has no company of her age group. I thought she will go to a preschool and enjoy her time with other children.

What were your information sources during the preschool search process? Which source was the most valuable?

The preschool that I chose is located nearby, and well reputed. Since I had heard of the preschool and was happy with its reputation, I decided to enroll my child in that preschool.

What were your 3 most important factors while choosing a preschool? Why?

Preschool reputation, curriculum and teaching methods are my preferred factors. I want to provide only the best for my child so the preschool reputation was important to me. I want her to have access to the best teachers and styles of teaching so that she is prepared for further steps in life.

What is the one thing that you feel you did really well during your preschool search, and other mothers should learn from you?

My advice to parents is to focus on patterns used for learning and teaching when choosing a preschool for your child. Since preschool is your child’s first step into education, it is important that the right preparatory methods are used.

What changes do you see in your child after going to preschool?

After starting preschool, my child made a lot of new friends. She started to like interacting with people and made efforts to be more social. Her communication skills have also improved.

What is your most important tip for parents to prepare their child and themselves for the first day of preschool?

There is no need for any preparations. You cannot predict what will happen on the first day of preschool. So my advice to parents is, just go with the flow, and be supportive of whatever your child needs.

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