Exclusive Interview: Honey Bee Playgroup & Nursery, Sion West by First Crayon

Sid Jain
First Crayon
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2017
Note: For representation only

Tell us more about yourself and your staff

Honey Bee Playgroup & Nursery was started in 2005 by Kiran Mehta and I. Meena Bindra is a well-experienced academic who joined us at a later stage. Together, we are a team of 3 teachers and a helper.

What is your teaching philosophy?

We follow the PlayWay Method. We want to instill a habit of learning in children through enjoyment. It is extremely important that a child’s first school experience is positive. That experience will form the basis for a child to measure his/her eagerness to learn going forward. Our sole objective as teachers is to make that foundation as strong as possible.

What are your key insights as an educator?

We believe that education and the teacher imparting it are an important part of a child’s life. In early years, a teacher contributes significantly to a child’s base building. What a child learns in their first 5–6 years, will remain with them for life — consciously and subconsciously.

What do parents love about your school?

Parents love that we lay an equal focus on extracurriculars and academics. This helps the children to grow in a more holistic manner. We believe that learning the 3Rs inside the classroom are as important as learning them in the real world.

What is your advice for parents who would like to apply for admission to your school?

Talk about your expectations openly with the preschool administration and teachers. The earlier that your expectations are aligned with the school’s efforts, better are the chances that your child thrives in that school. This requires a certain level of planning and self-awareness by the parent. Do not skip this step.

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