Candid Chat with Komal Kenia on Parenting

Sid Jain
First Crayon
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2019
Note: For representation only

Komal Kenia, a mother from Dadar West, shares her experience with First Crayon ( of finding her child’s first school.

How did you decide at what age to send your child to their first school?

My child was super active by the age of three and was bursting to explore more things. I wanted her to have more exposure than what is available to her at home. I had also heard that three is the proper age for children to start preschool education. So, at three years of age, I enrolled my child in nursery.

What were your information sources during the preschool search process? Which source was the most valuable?

I received various preschool brochures through which I was able to understand more about their facilities and classes. I also spoke to other parents whose children were already in preschool to learn about their experiences. I visited the preschools that were recommended to me. I did a detailed search on these preschools online before making my final decision.

What were your 3 most important factors while choosing a preschool? Why?

Proximity to home, curriculum and teachers are my 3 preferred factors. I wanted my child to have a short commute, hence I looked for a preschool close to our home. Curriculum and teachers are important since I want my child to have fun, and not be in a place that encourages rote-learning. I want her to learn by playing and interacting.

What is the one thing that you feel you did really well during your preschool search, and other mothers should learn from you?

I visited preschools and did a detailed search before finalizing my choice. I advise other parents to do the same.

What changes do you see in your child after going to preschool?

My child became more outgoing after attending preschool. She had a place to channel all her energy and was very happy and positive.

What is your most important tip for parents to prepare their child and themselves for the first day of preschool?

I advise parents not to panic. It takes time for children to get settled in preschool. Different children have different ways of adjusting. Let your child discover their own comfort zone.

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