Candid Chat with Neha Lalit on Parenting

Sid Jain
First Crayon
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2019
Note: For representation only

Neha Lalit, a mother from Dadar East, shares her experience with First Crayon ( of finding her child’s first school.

How did you decide at what age to send your child to their first school?

I felt that my child’s time could be better used than sitting at home. I sent him to a preschool so that he would learn to be social and active. I also felt that it was time for him to interact with other children to learn about concepts such as sharing.

What were your information sources during the preschool search process? Which source was the most valuable?

I was keen to send my child to the same preschool that I studied at. I want my child to develop the same values that I was brought up with. Since I was sure of my choice, I didn’t feel the need to consult any other sources.

What were your 3 most important factors while choosing a preschool? Why?

Teacher quality, infrastructure and ambience are my preferred factors for choosing a preschool. Good quality teaching style is vital to develop my child’s personality. Good infrastructure and ambience are necessary so that the child can concentrate on learning without any unhealthy distractions.

What is the one thing that you feel you did really well during your preschool search, and other mothers should learn from you?

I chose a preschool that is close to my home. I wanted to make sure that I am quickly accessible if there is any emergency situation.

What changes do you see in your child after going to preschool?

My child has started to show an active interest in learning things after starting preschool. He asks a lot of questions and is a lot more active through the day.

What is your most important tip for parents to prepare their child and themselves for the first day of preschool?

Talk to your child about what to expect at their new preschool so that they are not caught off guard on their first day. This will help them to adjust quickly.

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