Candid Chat with Riya Jadhav on Parenting

Sid Jain
First Crayon
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2019
Note: For representation only

Riya Jadhav, a mother from Dadar West, shares her experience with First Crayon ( of finding her child’s first school.

How did you decide at what age to send your child to their first school?

It was not about waiting for a particular age. Since we are a nuclear family, my child did not have the opportunity to interact with a lot of people at home. She is quite smart and active. I wanted to give her the opportunity to be more social and encourage her development so I decided to send her to preschool.

What were your information sources during the preschool search process? Which source was the most valuable?

I depended on my neighbors and friends to give me information and reviews about the preschools that their children were in. I found the details from my neighbors to be the most valuable and used it to decide on a preschool.

What were your 3 most important factors while choosing a preschool? Why?

Teaching style, teacher-student ratio and cleanliness. Good teachers help my child learn easily. A smaller teacher-student ratio will ensure that my child gets personal attention. Cleanliness is important to maintain my young child’s health and safety.

What is the one thing that you feel you did really well during your preschool search, and other mothers should learn from you?

I took feedback from my friends and neighbors. It is hard to get that sort of personal experience elsewhere. Your friends and neighbors will be honest with you.

What changes do you see in your child after going to preschool?

I have seen a lot of positive changes in my child after she started going to preschool. Her English has improved. She has learnt good manners. Before eating her food, she will make sure that she washes her hands. She is social and wishes everyone who she meets.

What is your most important tip for parents to prepare their child and themselves for the first day of preschool?

Time management is very important for parents. Start slowly preparing your child with small separations beforehand. They should not be shocked when they are away from you for an extended period of time on the first day of the preschool.

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