Candid Chat with Sneha Sawant on Parenting

Sid Jain
First Crayon
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2018
Note: For representation only

Sneha Sawant, a mother from Dadar West, shares her experience with First Crayon ( of finding her child’s first school.

How did you decide at what age to send your child to their first school?

By the age of two and a half years, my child started understanding things and grasping concepts easily. I thought it was a good age for her to start a more formal learning experience.

What were your information sources during the preschool search process? Which source was the most valuable?

We got advice from our neighbor about the preschool that their child goes to. They were happy with the preschool and advised us to visit it as well. We went there personally and liked it a lot, and decided to enroll our child there.

What were your 3 most important factors while choosing a preschool? Why?

Facilities, teachers and curriculum are the three things that I consider very important. I want my child to be comfortable so good facilities are a must. The attention that a child gets from teachers at a young age defines the development of the child’s interest in learning. I like the fact that the preschool conducts the playgroup and nursery classes together, this way the children have the opportunity to learn from each other.

What is the one thing that you feel you did really well during your preschool search, and other mothers should learn from you?

I feel that I chose the right age to send my child to preschool. She was neither too young or too old. Don’t just take blind recommendations on age from other parents. It is important to send your child to preschool when they are able to grasp new concepts. You need to judge this for yourself and send them at the right time.

What changes do you see in your child after going to preschool?

My child’s communications skills have improved a lot. I think it is because she is able to mingle with children of different ages. She has become more outgoing and social. She has learned a lot of new poems and stories that she shares with us at home.

What is your most important tip for parents to prepare their child and themselves for the first day of preschool?

It’s not just about the first day — it is about every day. Stay positive throughout the process. You will watch your child flourish and bloom. Some days will be joyful, and other days will be upsetting. It is all part of the process of growing up.

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