Day 0: An overview

Chad Trim
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2018

“Writing is work. It’s hard work. Screenwriting is harder.”

That is something that I guarentee just about every screenwriter has said, thought, or screamed at somepoint in their life.

Behind every great film or television series is a great writer. Furthermore, the world was built on, and still runs on, great writers. But if you’re like me and have a day job, writing daily can be hard. Like really hard. Writers that make it are writers that are writing.

Earlier this year I made a resolution that I was going to be a more dedicated writer. I also wanted to write a feature before my 30th birthday this summer. So a few weeks ago I evaluated my progress. Let’s just kindly say I am behind. Surprise, suprise. I needed motivation and accountability…

Well… I found it. 30 days of web-broadcasted, accountability-filled, it.


FIRSTDRAFT|30 is a 30 day series, documenting my failures, successes, and daily feels while on my journey from FADE IN to a finished working draft. Below, on day 0, I embark on this rabbit-hole of an adventure. Join me tomorrow for a review of day 1.



Chad Trim

Storyteller, techie, outdoor lover, and recovering procrastinator.