Working from home tips to stay active and motivated [infographic]

Clare Evans
First Event
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2020

If you’ll be working from home for the foreseeable future, why not try these tips on looking after your mental health, so you and your teams can get the most from your working day.

See our handy infographic which you can share with colleagues below.

Looking after your mental health when working from home

  1. Get dressed and do the things you normally do before work.

Sitting around in your pyjamas may seem like the best idea at first, but this is an early sign of socially disconnecting from the world.

2. Make a dedicated workspace.

Your working space needs to feel different to where you reside when you’re not working. It’s important to keep that separation in your own mind, otherwise, you can easily feel like you’re always at work.

3. Keep a regular routine.

Set your alarm to start work at the normal time. Have set lunch breaks if you can, and then turn off your computer at the normal finishing time. Be sure to move away from the designated area of work once work is done.

Taking “commuting” time at the start or end of each workday with a walk outside, can also help you separate your living and working space and allow you to relax properly.

4. Human contact is vital.

Though social distancing has been encouraged, it’s vital to have human contact, especially for those living alone. If possible, seeing a friend or family member is a great way to get the positive effects of interaction.

Setting up your camera for work meetings so that you and your team members can see each other, will make for much more personal interactions. Seeing others’ faces alone can help you to feel more connected.

5. Keep up healthy habits.

It’s very easy to grab a snack at any point from the kitchen when working from home (especially if your workspace IS the kitchen). Try to resist that temptation, by eating well and at regular times.

Getting out in the sunshine can also help to boost your vitamin D levels, which protect against respiratory tract infections like Coronavirus.

6. Put a block on social media.

If you feel you’ll be distracted by social media during your workday, why not put try applications that block social media channels for certain hours? Blocking these sites could do wonders for your motivation and productivity.

Working from home infographic

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First Event — Working From Home Tips

