The Power of Community: Building Relationships

Shatoyia Jones
First Ladies of Poverty Foundation
4 min readFeb 17, 2020

It could be the defining factor of access to the resources you need to be successful in all aspects of life. Keyword: ACCESS

As a mentor at the First Ladies of Poverty Foundation, I have first-hand experience engaging in and seeing the power of the FLP community on those we work with and serve and how fast they are able to reach their goals versus trying to do it independently. So far, our consultations have been comprised of the following:

Age Breakdown

57.1% — ages 25–40

28.6% — ages 40–55

14.3% — 18–25

Ethnic Demographics

14.3% are students

with equal proportion for women of African descent and European descent.

with 42.9% of all consultations were looking for a job.

What stood out to me is that similar struggles (personal, professional, financial) and goals were very similar to the women who came to us for assistance:

First Ladies of Poverty Foundation Consult Stats:

As a result, I often hear these top 5 struggles from the individuals (women and men) that I work with and serve in our community:

#5: “Staying organized and consistent.” / “Inconsistency.”

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

#4: “Health.”

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

#3: “Too much to do and so little time.”

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

#2: “Lack of resources…” / “Advice.”

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

#1: “I don’t know where to start.”

Photo by Atharva Tulsi on Unsplash

The power of community can be summed up in one word: access.

Here is a testimonial from one of my mentee and my partner:

I have been very lucky to have you as my mentor, and you have not only overseen the growth of my projects, but my growth as a person. You are one of the kindest, most giving and passionate people I have had the pleasure of knowing, and I want to thank you for all of your tireless [support] over the past few months — for giving golden life advice, for teaching me to follow my passions and stay authentic to myself.

— Melissa Li, ProvokeWoke

Access includes: Access to resources, advice and mentors that can help you manage your time, get organized, help you set goals and hold you accountable to reaching them.

At the First Ladies of Poverty Foundation, we offer that and more:

  • 30% lifetime member discounts on all personal, professional, and leadership development coaching and consulting packages
  • Eligibility to apply for exclusive FLP member scholarships and grants — launching 2021​
  • Monthly Inspirational Gifts Sent to You From FLP National HQ
  • Regularly free content and resources made available to you but uploaded
  • Be the first to know about free and non-free resources, opportunities, courses, etc. that are FLP approved for helping you go from #StruggletoStability

The point of joining a community and getting a membership is all about access to its resources, whether it be a gym membership and fitness community or a business commerce membership and entrepreneur community, joining the First Ladies of Poverty community and getting a membership is like purchasing a one-way ticket to getting an all-access pass to the opportunities, resources, mentors and events that the general public would never have access to.

If you are interested in learning more about our community and what we have to offer to help you go from #StruggletoStability, watch the live video below and then visit our website to learn more about what our community has to offer you!

Looking to go from #StruggletoStability in your personal and/or professional life? Visit us at our website to browse or free resources, get a free consultation or join our community today!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @ firstladiesofpovertyfoundation



Shatoyia Jones
First Ladies of Poverty Foundation

Founder/CEO at First Ladies of Poverty Foundation, LLC | Speaker + Author: You Are Your Greatest Asset