Nonprofit Storytelling: The key to effective fundraising for nonprofits

Keena Renèe
First Nonprofit
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

As more nonprofits continue to use content marketing in their fundraising efforts, telling a compelling and meaningful story is similar to creating a recognizable brand. Many nonprofits struggle with donor preservation and storytelling has proven to be an effective method of retaining and attracting donors while distinguishing an organization’s mission from other competing nonprofits. Here are a few tips on how to tell a compelling story.

Be Authentic

Telling a story that’s authentic to an organization’s mission is sure to make its content influential. A genuine story should be unique, memorable, universally likeable, and come across as “human” and not promotional. Connecting and relating to a mission’s audience in an authentic and vulnerable way is absolutely critical.

Show Your Stories

Effective storytelling must be flexible to adapt to changes in donor preferences and technological advances. Confirm transparency by using photos, video and a variety of media to validate where donation dollars are going! The more followers are able to experience the benefits derived from an organization’s work the more likely fundraising is successful.

Add some Variety

Make certain storytelling content goes beyond the practical benefits of the mission and connects readers/listeners to evocative, touching and personal testimonies. Program success stories, private and stirring revelations about staff and volunteers, plus the positive impact they’ve had on the community increases responsiveness.

Consistency is key

Committing to producing a reliable schedule for with illuminating content is often the biggest obstacle for nonprofit organizations but maintaining it is just as challenging. Creating a steadfast content calendar for nonprofit blogs and social media channels makes the process of maintaining an active presence much easier.

So many opportunities for nonprofit storytelling exist for fundraising efforts, whatever methods chosen should always reflect the essence of an organization’s mission and how it benefits a community.

Content presented by First Nonprofit, the leading provider of state unemployment insurance solutions for 501(c)(3) nonprofit employers.

