Online Communication Tips For Nonprofits

Keena Renèe
First Nonprofit
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018

As with any business, communication is key in keeping a donor base informed and engaged. Whether it’s on social media, through newsletters, or website, online communication is an important part of a marketing strategy. Here are a few tips on how to perfect online communications.

Feature social media follow icons at the top of your newsletter

Don’t make donors have to work to find you on social media. Prominently display follow icons at the top of your newsletter above any content and encourage donors to follow on social platforms. Also, don’t be shy with calls-to-action. Encourage followers to like, comment, share, or retweet content with which they identify.

Use hashtags, but not too many

Use hashtags in posts and include them in profile bios to increase visibility and raise awareness. The purpose of hashtags is to encourage storytelling and conversation, but never use more than two hashtags per post.

Create social media graphics for EVERYTHING

It’s been proven that all kinds of media see a higher engagement rate online. Try putting your latest report or announcement in a graphic and see the different it makes in reaching donors.

Respond to feedback

It’s especially important to have a system in place on how to handle queries or complaints that you may receive via social media. Promptly responding to complaints shows that you care about the concerns of donors.

These are just a few tips to help you better communicate your content to your donors. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for the latest updates from First Nonprofit.

Content presented by First Nonprofit, the leading provider of state unemployment insurance solutions for 501(c)(3) nonprofit employers.

