Top 4 Instagram Trends for Nonprofits

Keena Renèe
First Nonprofit
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018

For nonprofits, storytelling is an essential part of maintaining an engaged donor base and use of Instagram is a great social network to push crafted messages to the public. Instagram is currently one of the fastest growing social networks with over 500 million users to date. Many nonprofits find success on Instagram, using the platform as a means to share photos and drive conversation around their mission. Here are a few of the top trends on Instagram nonprofits can utilize in 2017.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is fairly new, having only been launched in August of 2016. Like its competitor Snapchat, “stories” are quick videos that vanish after being posted online for 24 hours. “Stories” that include filters, stickers, text, drawings and other fun content get the best engagement. Nonprofits can utilize Instagram to cover live events, give insight to a typical work day at their organization, or host a “Donor Takeover”.

Instagram Live

“Live streaming” is a popular feature on Instagram that can be used to host a live Q&A, make a special announcement or simply celebrate a major milestone with your audience.

Instagram Business Tools & Profile

Establish a business profile on Instagram and access their analytics tools which are automatically available. These analytics provide intuitive details about followers which help you build meaningful messaging content.

Instagram Ads

If advertising is in your budget, utilize Instagram’s Ad services. There are several options for brands, businesses and nonprofits to advertise on Instagram’s platform. You also have the option of creating ads through your Facebook page (who conveniently owns Instagram). Better yet, Instagram ads can be used to drive traffic to any fundraising page, raise attendance at fundraising events, or promote a social campaign.

We believe Instagram will help improve branding, messaging and marketing for any nonprofit who makes an honest effort to utilize it! Give it a shot!

Content presented by First Nonprofit, the leading provider of state unemployment insurance solutions for 501(c)(3) nonprofit employers.

