First Person Projects Weekly

Farrah Bostic
First Person Projects
2 min readMay 7, 2019

Introducing our newsletter!

Check out these awesome illustrations from Vinay!

We’re excited to start sharing out from the incredible vault of research we’ve been assembling over the past year — and to do that in a manageable way, we’ve decided to launch a newsletter, First Person Projects Weekly. We’d love it if you subscribed, which you can do here.

Why a newsletter?

There are lots of good reasons for newsletters, but the main one is it helps us share with you what we’re learning about what drives participation in civic life, more or less as we learn it ourselves. We can share our reflections on the research we’re doing, how it’s informing the model we’re developing, and how it’s influencing the primary research we’re designing and developing.

It’s also a good way to maintain a sense of connection with the people who share our interests. Because newsletters are something you opt in to in a more deliberate way (though don’t we all subscribe to too many?), because they create a dynamic of dialogue as well as of monologue (you can reply to them!), and because it helps us see what topics, links, sources, and ideas you are the most interested in, we’re hoping it will become part of our learning process as much as it is part of our communication flow.

It’ll also help us tell you about other projects, initiatives, or events we’re planning or launching — and we hope you’ll want to get involved.

What’s the gist?

We want to keep the newsletter pretty simple. We’ll share a few different kinds of things — all of them focused on the drivers of participation in civic life…

  1. Recent posts we publish here on our blog that we want to make sure you see.
  2. Our reflections on something we’ve read recently (usually research or white papers or other long read) — you’ll find that under the header “fwiw”.
  3. A few juicy links related to other items in the newsletter (aka “the count is 3!”, because, well, we had to decide on a number of links otherwise it would get craaaazy).
  4. And what we currently have in the pipeline, including requests for your help or suggestions, and ways to get in touch.
  5. Vinay’s amazing illustrations to accompany the sections (which you’ll also start seeing lots more of on the blog).

You can find it and sign up (it’s free!) at

We really hope you dig it.



Farrah Bostic
First Person Projects

Founder of The Difference Engine @DifferenceNGN. I listen to humans so I can help businesses all over the world make important brand & business decisions.