5 Creative Outlets to Boost Your Recovery

American Addiction Centers
First Responders
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

If you are looking for a way to improve your life in recovery, you don’t have to look any farther than yourself. Let your interests and goals for the future drive you as you seek out a positive creative outlet that will give your recovery a boost. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Take a class. Learning a language, learning to play an instrument, acquiring a new skill, or taking some exploratory classes that allow you to consider new directions for your career or new hobbies are all great creative outlets as you widen your horizons in recovery.

2. Follow a how-to video on YouTube. Or HGTV or any other site that has videos that you often scan through or even watch but never actually gather all the supplies needed to turn into a reality. You could try installing tile, building a doghouse, or planting a hanging garden — there is no limit to what you can find.

3. Join a team. Sports can be very creative; you don’t have to join a dance troupe to tap into that creative part of yourself that is looking for an outlet in recovery. Even if you aren’t great at it, the process can be fun, help you connect with positive people, and maybe even open the door to a new pastime that you might never have otherwise known you love.

4. Do “kid” activities. Whether or not you actually have kids has nothing to do with whether you might enjoy coloring in a coloring book, playing video games, or building with Legos. The fact that these activities are so simple means you can take them to the next level and get as creative as you like.

5. Volunteer. Connect with your community and give yourself a creative outlet by figuring out how to collect school supplies for foster kids, stretch the budget of a local food bank, or connect people living on the streets with services and treatment they need to heal. You have more to offer than you know, and by channeling your creative energy into helping others, you can make a huge difference in their lives and your own.

When You Feel Things Slipping…

If you feel that no amount of creativity or other efforts to stay sober are working for you, your next step is to connect with treatment. It is important to note that even if you have been through treatment in the past, if it was not a comprehensive program or it did not address co-occurring issues of trauma, you may not have the foundation you need to heal in recovery.

At American Addiction Centers, we offer a First Responder Lifeline Program that provides police officers with:

· A full evaluation and assessment to identify all co-occurring mental health disorders

· Trauma-specific therapies that are research-based and effective in treating first responders

· Therapists and team members who are trained to work with first responders

· EAP/MAP interaction

· Reintegration assistance

If you are ready for a fresh start in recovery, contact American Addiction Centers at (866) 53-SOBER today.



American Addiction Centers
First Responders

American Addiction Centers | national behavioral healthcare provider focused on addiction treatment. 800.466.8064