Are You Addicted to Anger?

American Addiction Centers
First Responders
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2018

Anger is a powerful emotion, one that grows in moments of high stress and comes with the “payoff” of a sense of relief when released. Many feel a “rush” or “high” associated with allowing themselves to get caught up in their anger and follow it wherever it takes them. This feeling can be addictive, just like any behavior that triggers the pleasure pathway.

Signs of an Anger Addiction

Is anger an addiction for you? Consider the following:

· Do you feel comfortable when you are angry? Does it feel like the safest way to handle an issue?

· Do you have a physical response to anger (e.g., rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, etc.), or do you black out during an anger episode?

· Do you tend to express all difficult emotions (e.g., grief, depression, confusion, etc.) as anger?

· Are you ever violent when angry? Are you unable to manage your anger despite this?

· Do you feel as if you do not have the ability to control your anger?

Treatment Options

Like all addictions, anger addiction is highly treatable. There are a number of different therapeutic interventions that can be effective. For each person, the most effective combination of therapies and treatments will be different and chosen based on experience, goals for recovery, and past experience in treatment. Some options include:

· Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to identify and address underlying personal assumptions and behavior patterns that may be contributing to the development of stressful interpersonal situations

· Treatment for co-occurring disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders

· Medication, if appropriate, to address co-occurring mental health symptoms

· Learning new coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes, such as eating healthfully, improving sleep patterns, practicing mindfulness, practicing yoga, engaging in alternative holistic treatments, and other healthy choices that can lower overall stress levels

· Learning alternative behaviors when triggers for anger episodes occur

If alcohol or drug use often drives anger episodes, it is important to recognize the connection. It is impossible to learn how to mitigate an anger addiction while continuing to drink or get high as the effects and triggers are deeply connected. If anger addiction and a substance use disorder co-occur, undergoing treatment for both is an essential first step in recovery.

Addiction Treatment Can Start Today

If anger is one of the many manifestations of addiction pervading your life, it is time to take action. At American Addiction Centers, we offer a First Responder Lifeline Program that provides correctional officers and other first responders with the directed treatment they need to find a sense of balance in their lives. Our highly acclaimed program offers:

· Therapists who are trained to work with first responders

· First responder-focused treatment plans

· A uniquely designed combination of therapies and treatments based on medical history, drug history, treatment history, evaluations and assessment, and more

· A focus on the connection between mind, body, and spirit

· Long-term aftercare and support

Are you ready to learn how to manage your emotions and mental health symptoms as well as your use of substances? Contact (844) 646–4COS(267) today.



American Addiction Centers
First Responders

American Addiction Centers | national behavioral healthcare provider focused on addiction treatment. 800.466.8064