Hangover-Free in 2018: 5 Benefits of Kicking the Habit

American Addiction Centers
First Responders
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2018

National Hangover Day was January 1st, a day that few “celebrated” and most acknowledge only by suffering through it. For those in recovery, it is a day to enjoy being hangover-free, and for people who are experiencing their first day in sobriety — and likely hungover — it is a day to focus on all there is to be gained by putting alcohol and drug use in the past.

5 Benefits of Kicking the Habit

1. Mental clarity: Even after the acute effects of drug and alcohol use fade, your mental clarity remains foggy at best for days or even weeks after quitting use. The longer you stay sober, the sharper your mind becomes and the better able you will be to make healthy decisions in the moment.

2. Increased energy: Your physical energy levels as well as your mental energy will begin to improve the longer you have without substances in your system. In addition, if you spend your sober time making healthy eating choices, quitting smoking, and working out, your energy will increase even more.

3. Improved physical health: If you have underlying medical disorders or if you were on your way to developing a chronic medical condition due to drug use, when you stop using substances, your symptoms will begin to improve in most cases. Additionally, depending on how much of the medical problem was directly related to drug use, you may be able to reverse the problem in some cases.

4. Healthier relationships: When you are in control of your senses, you have the ability to pause and think things through before you speak or act. The more adept you become at this behavior, the healthier your relationships will be.

5. Hope for the future: When you are sober, the future is wide open and no longer viewed through the dark tunnel of active addiction. You can make the next few weeks, months, and all of 2018 and beyond whatever you want it to be if you do the work you need to do to stay sober. There is hope in avoiding drug and alcohol use and learning how to live life in recovery.

Hair of the Dog Got You in a Cycle of Addiction?

Too often, people “treat” a hangover by having a drink and end up drinking heavily again the night after a binge when one “curative” drink turns into three or four or more. This cycle can lead to an addiction in short order, making drinking or drug use a habit that is impossible to break. For correctional officers who are in need of treatment, the First Responder Lifeline Program by American Addiction Centers can help. Our unique addiction treatment program provides:

· Assessment and evaluation to identify any trauma-related disorders

· A unique treatment plan designed to address trauma as well as addiction

· Interactive, motivational therapies

· Family support and education options

· EAP/MAP interaction

Are you ready to free yourself from hangovers and other negative consequences of substance use and abuse? Contact American Addiction Centers at (844) 646–4COS(267) today.



American Addiction Centers
First Responders

American Addiction Centers | national behavioral healthcare provider focused on addiction treatment. 800.466.8064