What Family Resolutions Are You Making in Recovery for 2018?

American Addiction Centers
First Responders
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2018

If you are in recovery and making New Year’s resolutions that improve your ability to stay sober and improve your relationships with family, then you are on the right track in 2018. Whether you are focused on rebuilding relationships with family members at home or with your firehouse family, strengthening personal relationships will almost always make you stronger in your recovery.

However, if you are not sure what family-focused resolutions will serve your recovery in the new year, here are a few ideas to help you get started:

· Eat together more often. Eating together always pulls people closer together, especially if it becomes habit. This is not something you have to do every day or even every week to gain the benefits, but the more often you take the time to sit down with people you care about, eat, and talk, the closer you will become.

· Plan regular outings together. Whether you head to the lake for a cookout or go to a concert, as long as everyone is having fun, it sets the stage for bonding to take place authentically.

· Talk on a personal level frequently. If you find that weeks pass without a real conversation between yourself and someone to whom you are close at home or at the firehouse, make it a point to stop and talk on a regular basis. Even taking the time to ask “How are you?” once or twice a week or to follow up and ask how something they mentioned previously turned out can go a long way toward making a personal connection no matter how busy you are.

· Resolve to have a genuine discussion. If things have been rocky between you and someone you were once close to, it may be a good idea to start mending fences by having an open and honest discussion with that person. Focus on giving them a chance to speak and avoid jumping in to correct them. Practicing active listening lets them know that you value their thoughts and what they need going forward, and when the time is right, a thoughtful response will help them to understand what it is that you need from the relationship as well.

Are You Resolved to Stay Sober in 2018?

If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, it will be impossible to gain any benefits from New Year’s resolutions until you are solid in recovery. At American Addiction Centers, we offer a First Responder Lifeline Program that caters to the needs of firefighters in search of recovery from addiction and/or co-occurring mental health disorders. Our program provides:

· A full PTSD evaluation

· Therapists who offer motivational therapies and integrated treatment

· Unique treatment plans designed to meet the needs of each individual

· Long-term aftercare support, including reintegration assistance

· Support for family members who would like education and assistance

Are you ready to commit to your sobriety in the new year? Contact us at (866) 53-SOBER now and learn how we can help you turn your recovery resolutions into a reality.



American Addiction Centers
First Responders

American Addiction Centers | national behavioral healthcare provider focused on addiction treatment. 800.466.8064