First Run is taking an intermission

We’ll be back soon.

Patrick J. Regal
First Run
1 min readApr 19, 2022


Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

Every year around this time, Feature Presentation (and now First Run) takes a bit of a break. It’s used as a time to prepare for the next batch of columns and reviews. It takes a lot of time to research, watch, analyze, and write about the volume of movies and shows that we do with such a small crew. Therefore, we use this time to do all of those things in preparation for our return.

Our last break ended up being four months. This one will not be nearly as long. In fact, there are already a few TBA projects with release dates in just a few weeks. And you’ll see writing on here much sooner, but it just won’t happen with the same weekly regularity.

We will be back to that weekly schedule soon, but until then we’re still recording weekly episodes of The Vince Vaughn-a-thon and working hard to get other projects out.



Patrick J. Regal
First Run

Educator. Artist. Founder and Editor of Feature Presentation. Instagram: patrickjregal