Teddy Blank Joins First Star

Drew Volpe
First Star Ventures
2 min readOct 18, 2019

We founded First Star to partner with visionary, technical founders inventing a better future. We invest at the very earliest stages, often before the company even exists. As we thought about growing our team, we knew we needed to find someone who shared this vision while at the same time added complementary skills and viewpoints.

After speaking with hundreds of people we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve found that person in Teddy Blank. In his own words:

I am endlessly fascinated by the incredible leaps being made by entrepreneurs who are trying to build completely unique tech, and by the never-ending challenge of attempting to shape the future of industries — I feel deeply fortunate to have the opportunity to support the entrepreneurs who put their blood, sweat, and tears into making the impossible happen. I have accumulated a great deal of karmic debt in the early-stage ecosystem through all the people who have supported, encouraged and connected me, and it’s time I start evening the scales.

Our newest addition to the First Star team: Teddy Blank

We met through a mutual acquaintance and as we got to know him, realized he shared our deep passion for helping visionary, technical founders invent a better future. As we started to do our diligence, I called an amazing founder who had worked with Teddy to get a reference.

He gave Teddy strong praise but was initially a little guarded before he came out with it: he was recruiting Teddy and really hoped he joined his new startup. There is no better compliment than that from a founder. As we spoke with other founders we admire who had worked with Teddy, we heard the same message: he would make my startup a ton better. We’re excited for Teddy to be joining First Star and helping our founders go further, faster.

Teddy is passionate about and has been focused on helping us lead investments in: environmental/geospatial data and sensing; climate risk and mitigation; biomedical data and its applications in synthetic and computational biology; and anywhere software and data meet the real world, especially when that happens in the ocean or low-earth orbit.

He’s currently working on building a market map of climate-focused tech companies and the ecosystems around them in various geographies. Reach out to him if you’re interested in contributing: talktoteddy@firststar.vc

You can follow him on Twitter here:

We couldn’t be more excited for Teddy to join First Star and helping us be even better partners for visionary, technical founders inventing a better future.



Drew Volpe
First Star Ventures

coder / entrepreneur / investor. Partner at First Star Ventures.