The Weird, Wonderful World of Andy Hopp

First Table Gaming
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2020

Recently I left the comfy confines of my compound, and traveled to Akron, Ohio where I was granted a sit-down with Illustrator, Author, Game Designer, and grand pooh-bah of bizarre events like Con on the Cob and Oddmall, mister Andy Hopp!

The setting could not be a more perfect place to pick the brain of a creative genius like Andy, because the Oddmall Outpost (772 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. Akron, Ohio 44319) is a showcase of his talents, and those of many others he’s drawn to this consignment shop of oddities. What was a former church has been given a wild makeover, and dubbed The Assembly of Odd. In his own words “ Here weirdness is a virtue, imagination is unleashed, ideas are shared, fantasy is cherished, and all people are welcome. It’s a cosmic wonderland of creativity and you are the planet’s designated ambassador.”

Sound far fetched? It’s not, as the footage I shot will attest, but it hardly captured ALL of it’s bizarre glory (hours could be spent exploring the amazing works of many talented artists & craftsmen for sale therein). Hell, it’s worth the trip just to visit the turtles, lizards, and aquatic creatures on display among all the curious finds.

Although there are powerfully tempting arrays of books, games, and artwork for sale courtesy of Mr. Hopp that he could rightfully toot his own horn about, it’s the unique wonders created by many others that he will selflessly direct your attention to. Anyone who’s ever attended one of his Oddmall events would be familiar with the sight of Andy strolling through the many booths, just as amused and excited as everyone else to check out what his imaginative cohorts have wrought.

Pop over to his website, and get all the info you need to go shopping at Oddmall Outpost: Assembly of Odd, and hit up one of his Oddmall conventions throughout the year!



First Table Gaming

A married, father of one with a terrific beard. I sing, cook, drink, and clown in equal measure. My interests are Dungeons & Dragons, horror movies, craft beers