Five things every father should do during pregnancy

Richard Bell
First time father
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2021


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During pregnancy a woman's body goes through a lot of changes. It can be uncomfortable, nauseating or even really painful for a lot of women. As a man, you may feel like there’s nothing you can do to help. Here are five things that my wife appreciated during her pregnancy:

1. Give a lot of compliments

Your partners body is going to go through a lot of changes during pregnancy. She’s going to put on weight and probably feel self conscious about it. Try to make every effort to tell her how beautiful she looks and to celebrate her.

I’m not great at giving compliments, I have a very “fix it” mentality, so I’ll comment when something needs to be changed, but if things are good I rarely will make comment of it. I’ve been trying to get better at this over the past few years, but it definitely requires effort!

The funny thing is that your partner will look amazing to you as she grows your child. It sounds cliche, but (at least for my partner) there was a glow to her when she was pregnant.

2. Give lots of massages

My wife loves any sort of attention I give her, whether it’s just stroking her hand as I pass, or a full body massage, so she made sure I knew about this tip!



Richard Bell
First time father

Father to two beautiful baby girls | Husband to a generous wife | Lead Software Engineer | Hobby collector | Support me at